Gary DeVaney
Religion is evidence that mass insanity is contagious
A Human Being can be an Atheist until a supernatural God is factually proven to exist, has existed and will exist forever.
Personal Declaration: I, Gary DeVaney, have no hard evidence that The Biblical God exists or ever existed in reality. I personally dislike The Biblical God character, real or not, as depicted by the Chapter and Verses, in the Bible. I personally do not choose to spend eternity with such a monstrous, evil, murdering character, fictitious or not, based on The Biblical God’s heinous C&V rap-sheet. If The Biblical God is real and He throws a party, I’m not coming.
Christians, Jews and Muslims do not believe in most gods, just the “One God of Abraham”. Atheists have no factual evidence that even one (1) God exists.
Studies show that 30% of Americans now claim no religious affiliation. US citizens are getting smarter and less fearful of supernatural punishment, wrath and eternal torment. Their intellectual and emotional system have overcome and outgrown all the supernatural nonsense. Today, they are called Atheists. Today thinking Atheists support the US Constitution, civil and criminal laws more than the mindset religious.
Only the behavior of the Human Animal displays a mindset belief in supernatural gods. No other animals, life-forms or species is known to do so. Except for the Human Being, no lifeform known is claimed to believe in a supernatural God. Animal behavior does attempt to “will” things into reality. Some advanced species form groups to do so. Leaders are acknowledged and are involved. But gods are not, by evidence of their behavior.
After about 2,000 years of published Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion, there is still no valid documented facts or evidence of any supernatural God.
The three (3) big religions compete in serving, supporting, promoting and financing their one fictional God. Their fear-based business is myth, intellectual dishonesty, emotion extortion, authoritative power plays, life-stealing blackmail and manipulation. For intelligent and educated individuals, threats are no longer effective in making religion real to them. To the Atheist, religion proves to be pure nonsense. Atheism, in reality, is currently about 30% of the Human population. In a few decades, unless we are blown back to the stone age, Atheism will be the accepted by the Human majority. Intellectually, emotionally and socially, there is nothing more embarrassing than to be caught with an outdated outlook or behavior. We will no longer be victims of dogmatic, mindset beliefs in primitive, moronic, supernatural, nonsensical, life-stealing religion.
Religion is primitive politics. Religion power politically peaked in the dark ages in Europe when the Kings of all European countries yielded to the power of the Catholic Pope in Rome.
Today, the mindset religious still tries to “will” their fixed, unchanging religions into every nation’s own sovereign political system. Like their fictitious Gods, competing religions, by assuming authority, try to convert mindset bullies so to bully the poor, the ignorant and the gullible into serving them – on their terms. In the United States of America, the religious congregations finance their religion’s attempts to gain power against constitutional law and democracy. The Biblical God’s “government” is that of a Tyrant, and Emperor, a King. God does not vote. God is the dictator. God’s threat in the Bible was: Obey Me or I will kill you. Later, Jesus Christ’s brought another threat: If you don’t obey God (AND ME) you will suffer Eternal Torment? Rational Atheists reject that evil nonsense.
Religion is also the business of conmen. Have you seen the wealth, net worth and lifestyles of the world’s top clergy?
Joke: A multi-millionaire preacher was traveling with his wife, having a drink, in their favorite jet. He turned to her and asked: Would you still love me if I weren’t rich? A tear came in her eye, and she said: Of course, I’d love you. I’d miss you.
True Atheists are thinkers – rarely believers. I perceive that trying to organize true Atheists is like trying to organize a herd of cats.
True Atheists are immune from the glue of “irrational faith and mindset belief” and from the world pandemic, “God-Virus”.
My friend, Dr. Darrel Ray’s book, The God Virus also inadvertently verifies my discovery that insanity is contagious.
True Atheists lead their own lives and have little interest in leading or following other lives. True Atheists understand and accept enforceable criminal and civil law. True Atheists are not affected by ridiculous, fear-based con jobs and supernatural nonsense.
Outside of the extremely flawed, controversial and self-contradictory Bible, what solid evidence can you produce that the Biblical God (The One God of Abraham) truly exists? Should you display some evidence, would that evidence hold up in a court of law or a reality test? Or, would your “evidence” be written hearsay? If beliefs mostly consist of passed-on lies, do you have a conscience concerning your adopted beliefs? Do have a conscience? A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
By the way, the three main religions worship “The One God of Abraham”. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Did you know that if you are a Christian, you worship the same God as the Muslims?
Atheism is the cure for Human Beings to rid ourselves of The God Virus, Jesus junky’s and Allah addicts.
Atheist: I would NOT have so much to say about religion if religion did NOT have so much to say about me.
Evidence Of God
There is evidence of the absence of God.
There is the absence of evidence of God.
If you provide verifiable evidence of God, you will become the most famous Human Being in modern history.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness…
This Bible C&V may give the greatest license for believers to display anger towards Atheists.
Carl Sagan: Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonders of this astonishing universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy.
Gods are nothing more than human ideas driven by ego, imagination and hope. They do not exist outside the believer’s brain.
Do believers fear evidence that the Biblical God and Jesus Christ did not exist, or that eventually nobody will care?
Many Christians will flip as their numbers decrease. Why? Because religion has always been a herd mentality.
Is “freedom from religion” freedom from tribal mentality?
Is misplaced patriotism also tribal mentality?
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic believer demands: You prove that God does not exist!
The Biblical God does not exist. One cannot and does not have the responsibility to prove a negative.
You prove that your God does exists first and then I will prove that your God does not exist.
Atheism is not a religion. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions have religious laws and their consequences that they push on everybody. Can you present one religious law and its consequence that Atheists push on anybody?
The Biblical God had 4.4 billion years to leave indisputable evidence of his intelligence prior to man’s arrival, but as it stands, we have absolutely no record of any gods predating the men who spoke of them.
Faith and beliefs are the drugs that fuel the cruel insanity of religion.
This is the year 2022. Many US Christians, over the past 5 years, have supported, promoted and financed Donald J. Trump more than they have Jesus Christ?
If a religion, through repetition, could successfully train, program and brainwash a mindset believer to worship, support, promote and finance a false authority, an assumed authority can easily step in and receive all the benefits. That is why throughout history, kingdoms and governments financed clergy and churches / cults through enormous tax breaks to train, program and brainwash gullible believers. The Christian evangelicals were conned into worshipping, supporting, promoting and financing Donald J. Trump to be elected President of the United States of America for 1 term. Many saw his true dominate and true bully self and he failed, and he lost being elected for a second term.
A Real Christian Testimony
I am a Christian. I believe The Holy Bible which documents Chapter & Verse that Jesus Christ died for my sins. I am a sinner. I sin a lot. I have some favorite sins. It is my sacred duty to sin so that my savior, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, did not die in vain, pointlessly, or unsuccessfully. I am saved! Jesus died for me, and I would not have it any other way.
Logic tells me that the Biblical “God / Character” does NOT exist in reality. Due to this real or not character’s documented torturous behavior and murderous Biblical C&V deeds, I choose NOT to be around this Biblical God / Character even for a moment – let alone for eternity. I certainly would not worship, support, promote and finance this insane character. Remember, the Old Testament Israelites God did it all. They had no afterlife (dust to dust) Heaven, Hell or savior.
Other than a programmed warm-fuzzy, unexplainable feeling, can you prove there is a God?
Friedrich Nietzsche: I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.
The Biblical God’s fear-based commandments: To indoctrinate zealous, young believers to promote and convert religious believers is to promote an army of fear-based bullies and liars. The word belief has the word lie in it.
The King James Version Bible contains 1,003 of it’s God’s commandments. Some of God’s commandments are nonsense and some are beyond deadly insane. Some demand: Obey Me of I will kill you. Some sentence you to suffer Eternal Torment.
Romans 3:9 All people are sinners.
James 2:10 whoever breaks one of God’s commandments, is guilty of breaking them all.
Atheism: A non-prophet category of Human Beings.
Napoleon Bonaparte: Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are often accused by Christians to have been evil Atheists.
Adolf Hitler, declared in Mein Kampf: I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. By defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.
Adolf Hitler was baptized a Catholic. Hitler was never excommunicated by the Catholic Church for his atrocities. Ergo, Hitler was not an Atheist.
Joseph Stalin had at one time attended a religious seminary.
Truly knowing the controversial C&Vs of the Bible is the greatest Atheist maker.
Mindset, zealous believers have accused these evil men, who murdered millions of Human Beings to be Atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge, Mao Tse Tung, Hoxha, Castro, Bonaparte, Ho Chi Minh…
A few previous American Presidents who murdered millions of native Americans could be on this list including Lyndon Bains Johnson, Richard Milhouse Nixon and George W. Bush.
Karl Marx lied when he, in essence, wrote that Communism was born of Atheism to irradicate Religion from the world.
Atheism is not a religion. Atheism is a personal relationship with reality.
Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire): Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense.
A phobia is an unknown-based fear – often programmed.
Fear exists due to ignorance.
Cancer does kill people.
You fear cancer.
If you KNEW the cure for cancer, you would no longer fear it.
Such as the programmed fear of an imaginary murderous, torturous God.
If you are going to worship, promote, support and finance the insane, murderous God of the Bible, at least KNOW what this God is documented by Bible C&V to have done. Is that fair? To factually know the controversial C&Vs of the Bible – is the greatest Atheist maker.
Magic shows are done by clever tricks that can be redundantly repeated. Once you know the trick, it loses its appeal. Ignorance can be the fascination.
Religion programs you to fear and obey a supernatural God.
Know that nothing supernatural exists and you will have NO fear of any supernatural, God.
Parents, who want to be obeyed, use the fear of a supernatural authority in the attempt to force children to obey. It was done to them. They pass it on.
Albert Einstein: A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
Gary DeVaney: I took on the Biblical God based on “God’s Word” / “God’s Letter” / “God’s own Diary” The Bible. I take issue with what the Biblical God has been documented to have said and to have done. If there is any evidence of another more ethical, fair, and more appealing God, I am open to also experience whatever that God amounts to.
Philosophically, Jesus Christ did not make the cut with me. I am confident that I would also not make the cut with Jesus.
These next two Bible C&Vs are what sunk Jesus Christ in my value system:
Luke 19:27 Jesus Christ said: And, as for those enemies, who would not have Me be King over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
Forget the parable. In what possible context, could Jesus Christ’s words be proper and acceptable to a decent Human Being?
This parable parallels the dogmatic Christian threat: “If you will not have Me, Jesus Christ, as your savior – you will suffer Eternal-Torment in Hell.”
According to the book of Ezekiel, if you are judged and chosen by God to serve God on His terms, you will cease to exist.
According to the book of Revelation, if you are judged and chosen by God to serve God on His terms, you will suffer Eternal-Torment.
Most sadistic clergy choose the Revelation’s “Eternal-Torment” version over Ezekiel’s “cease to exist” version. The “Eternal-Torment” version puts more fear into their believers which means more money, power and control for evil clergy. Thanks, Jesus.
Conversion: Authoritative bullies who convert the gullible will blackmail them with the threat of punishment and Eternal-Torment.
Christian do know what it is like to be an Atheist.
One Christian asked me: What does it feel like to be an Atheist? I asked him: Do you believe in Islam’s Allah? He said: No! I suggested: That is what it feels like to be an Atheist.
Jews believe in the One God of Abraham. Christians believe in the One God of Abraham. Muslims believe in the One God of Abraham. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic One God of Abraham is all the same God. Think about it. If you do not believe in Allah, the One God of Abraham, you do know what it is like to be an Atheist.
Sam Harris wrote: The truth is, you know exactly what it is like to be an atheist with respect to the beliefs of Muslims. Isn’t it obvious that Muslims are fooling themselves? Isn’t it obvious that anyone who thinks that the Koran is the perfect word of the creator of the universe has not read the book critically? Isn’t it obvious that the doctrine of Islam represents a near perfect barrier to honest inquiry? Yes, these things are obvious. Understand that the way you view Islam is precisely the way devout Muslims view Christianity. And it is the way I view all religions.
So, if you’re religious, you think the religious beliefs of other “faiths” are wrong. Atheists agree with you.
People of all other “faiths” think your religious beliefs are wrong. Atheists agree with them.
Why not respect Atheists when we agree with all of you?
Friedrich Nietzsche: After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.
The other super-gross Bible C&V that lost my warm feelings for Jesus Christ is in Revelation 2:23. The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) said: “I will kill her children”.
Jesus will kill children because of their parents! That was enough of Jesus Christ for me. Maybe because I am a retired Army officer, Jesus Christ would have to go through me to kill any children. Concerning my respect – Jesus Christ, real or fictional, is history!
Some Christians say that Jesus loves me anyway and that God put me here at this time to do exactly what I am doing to fulfill His plan. personally, I have no evidence of that, nor do I have any evidence of the existence of any Satan.
There may be Gods – but none that I have studied to date are worthy of my support – and I decide that – you don’t. Agreed? Unlike my early years, I am no longer blackmailed by superstitious fear. Who knows, there may be a real God, somewhere, Who is interested in straightening out the Biblical God’s mess. He may even be cheering this work on.
Most Atheists ARE thinkers but, unlike most zealous believers, I view that most atheists are NOT doers. Most Atheists DO little to nothing concerning Atheism. A man once told me that he was an Atheist. I told him I had a few hundred Bible C&Vs that would support his choosing to be an Atheist. He said he didn’t care. Most Atheists are basically impotent and harmless in defending themselves against the Judeo-Christian-Islamic belief systems.
Edmond De Goncourt: If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.
“Blasphemy” (dictionary): Written or spoken insults directed against religious beliefs with deliberate intent to outrage believers. It is still an offense in English common-law.
Do some Atheists / realists insult God? Yes – and rightfully so. We are often guilty as charged.
But people widely differ in their take on the Bible. Many profound thinkers contend that the usefulness of the Bible is extinct, that it causes the problems of modern society by its very model.
The believers who claim blasphemy, are generally the same believers who attempt to avoid, to evade and to cover up the controversial Bible C&Vs.
If you are a believer who fears the Biblical God, do you honestly like Him?
To mentally and emotionally settle on blind faith and belief is to display intellectual and emotional disability.
Thomas Paine: Each of the churches accuse the others of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all.
Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Religion is conservative, resistant to change.

From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
In a narrower sense, Atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, Atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.
Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.
The term Atheism originated from the Greek (atheos), meaning “without god”, which was applied with a negative connotation to those thought to reject the gods worshipped by the larger society. With the spread of freethought, skeptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion, application of the term narrowed in scope. The first individuals to identify themselves as “Atheist” appeared in the 18th century.
Atheists tend to be skeptical of supernatural claims, citing a lack of emperical evidence. Atheists have offered various rationales for not believing in any deity. These include the problem of evil, the argument from inconsistant revelations, and the argument from nonbelief. Other arguments for Atheism range from the philosophical to the social to the historical. Although some Atheists have adopted secular philosophies, there is no one ideology or set of behaviors to which all Atheists adhere.
In Western culture, some Atheists are frequently assumed to be irreligious, although other Atheists are spiritual. Moreover, Atheism also figures in certain religious and spiritual belief systems, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Neopagan movements, such as Wicca. Jainism and some forms of Buddhism do not advocate belief in gods, whereas Hinduism holds Atheism to be valid, but difficult to follow spiritually.
In early ancient Greek, the adjective Atheos meant “godless”. It was first used as a term of censure roughly meaning “ungodly” or “impious”. In the 5th century BCE, the word began to indicate more deliberate and active godlessness in the sense of “severing relations with the gods” or “denying the gods”. The term asebēs then came to be applied against those who impiously denied or disrespected the local gods, even if they believed in other gods. Modern translations of classical texts sometimes render Atheos as “Atheistic“. As an abstract noun, there was also Atheotēs, “Atheism“. Cicero transliterated the Greek word into the Latin Atheos. The term found frequent use in the debate between early Christians and Hellenists, with each side attributing it, in the pejorative sense, to the other.
The term Atheist (from French Athee), in the sense of “one who denies or disbelieves the existence of God”, predates Atheism in English, being first found as early as 1566, and again in 1571. Atheist as a label of practical godlessness was used at least as early as 1577. The term Atheism was derived from the French atheisme, and appears in English about 1587. An earlier work, from about 1534, used the term Atheonism. Related words emerged later: deist in 1621, theist in 1662, in 1675, and theism in 1678. At that time “deist” and “deism” already carried their modern meaning. The term theism came to be contrasted with deism.
Atheism was first used to describe a self-avowed belief in late 18th-century Europe, specifically denoting disbelief in the monotheistic Abrahamic god. In the 20th century, globalization contributed to the expansion of the term to refer to disbelief in all deities, though it remains common in Western society to describe atheism as simply “disbelief in God”.
Some Atheists have doubted the very nature of the term “Atheism“. In his book Letter to a Christian Nation, Sam Harris wrote:
In fact, “Atheism” is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a “non-astrologer” or a “non-alchemist.” We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.
Finis Wikipedia
Observations: I see the ignorance of religion and its systematic retardation of the human intellectual and emotional development coming to a close.
It makes me feel good to see an increasingly greater and greater number of people proving to be smarter and more self-sufficient than the previous generations.
We have come a long way from being afraid of the sun, to making up stories about the origin of the world which have been proven false, to finally seeing a movement of people that aren’t afraid to lose fake friends and dead weight family members that can’t accept their rejection of religious mass-psychosis and bigotry.
We did this simply by growing up.
Why should we play along with your self-professed stupidity and dependence on imaginary interactions with the immaterial?
Other than group size and tax-free status, what makes claiming belief in your imaginary friend any less insane and deserving of scorn than the homeless man down the street that has a pet leprechaun?
Why should you be comforted by your illusions while we must accept the fact that we are surrounded by dangerously delusional people that base their actions and values on imaginary feedback from an imaginary friend?
Prayer: Telling God how to do his business.
Why must we walk on eggshells to spare your feeling while we are bombarded with accusations of being an abomination and a heathen?
Why must many Atheists know more about your book of fairy tales, rape, bigotry, and human sacrifice in the name of personal gain than you do?
When you, a believer, is confronted with a controversial Bible C&V, why do you tell us that the words of your book don’t mean what they actually say, that they are “out of context”, they are “mis-interpreted”?
How are Atheists considered to be bad people because we won’t murder our children to please your One God of Abraham?
Why will you never answer these questions directly, but instead result to changing the subject, putting words in my mouth, and attacking the person instead of the point?
Why do you think crying foul will make any difference?
If you really believe, then why do you pray for the recovery of terminally ill loved ones instead of congratulating them on their accelerated death?
Why do you pray if you think God can read your mind?
If God has a plan for everything, why would he change it because you prayed?
If Adam and Eve had no concept of right and wrong before eating from the tree of knowledge, then how could they have known that disobeying god was supposed to be wrong?
How can you subject your children to these fictions as if they were reality and ignore the confused look on their faces when even they think it makes no sense?
Thank you, Clayton Westfall, for sharing these perspectives!
Karen Armstrong (a former nun) writes that “During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the word ‘atheist’ was still reserved exclusively for polemic… The term ‘atheist’ was an insult. Nobody would have dreamed of calling himself an atheist. In the middle of the seventeenth century, it was still assumed that it was impossible not to believe in God; atheist meant not accepting the current conception of the divine.
The Hebrews (Jews, Israelites) were the first to document a negative external spirit whom they identified to be God. Up until about 500 BC, there was no Satan in Hebrew scenarios or scripture. The Jews viewed that their God did it all. Was Satan actually written about to pave the way for a composite savior called Jesus Christ?
“God Is Not Great” – By Christopher Hitchens – A Highly Recommended Book!
The Creation of Christianity
In about 560 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, killed and captured Jews and destroyed their temple in Jerusalem. The King Nebuchadnezzar took some Jewish captives back to Babylon (modern day Iraq).
In about 539 BC, Cyrus, the King of Persia (Iran) attacked and captured Babylon. Cyrus released the captive Jews and escorted them back to Jerusalem. For two centuries (200 years) the Jews remained under Persian protection in Jerusalem. During this time, Jews were exposed to Zoroastrianism which taught about Angels, Demons, Satan, Salvation, the afterlife, Heaven and Hell.
There, Zoroastrianism was taught to the Israelites. They adopted the concept of Satan and Hell. Jesus Christ made the concept of Satan and Hell popular. God’s “Judgment Day” and “Eternal Torment” evolved as the consequence of not accepting Jesus Christ as God and your personal savior. If Jesus Christ is God, then Jesus is “the savior” that will save you from Himself.
Jesus Christ plagiarized Zoroastrianism to create Christianity.
Donald Morgan: A thorough reading and understanding of the Bible is the surest path to atheism.
When the term “faith” is brought into the equation, it raises the question as to any “reality” of God.
“Have faith”, “believe me” and “trust me” are often the terms used by control-freaks, con-men and scoundrels.
To challenge one’s faith is to challenge one’s nonsense.
People have faith and belief in an attempt to will things into reality.
Is it those who assume authority over their atmosphere the same those who insist that you have faith in authority? By your having faith, are you yielding to their authority?
Authoritarian / believer / controller: I don’t want debate. I want obedience to my beliefs, demands and expectations.
Some God-Fearing believers claim to be “spiritual” and not “religious”. They claim that God is “spiritual” and that “religion” is worldly. They worship God privately without paying support to religious leaders or churches. The non-believing Atheist sees little to no reason to do either.
Blaise Pascal: Men never commit evil so fully or joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions.
Not one man in 10,000 has the goodness of mind or the strength of the heart to be an Atheist.
Atheism is not about religion. Atheists simply assert that god does not exist – nothing more and nothing less. Atheists mostly stand up and debate believers (bullies) who push their “conquer them all” God on them.
Jon Stewart: RELIGION. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.
George Bernard Shaw: I’m an atheist and I thank God for it.
Karen Armstrong: All fundamentalism – whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim – is rooted in a profound fear of annihilation.
Believers are mind-set, hypnotized and brainwashed. When an Atheist questions or uses a C&V fact to point out a believer’s error in their mindset, that Atheist is often accused of attempting to brainwash the already brainwashed believer.
Socrates was accused by Meletus of not believing in the gods.
Greg Easter: Any deity who would condemn me for failing to believe in him / her / it without providing proof of their existence fails to comprehend the human mind, and thus could not be capable of having created it.
Clark Adams: If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!
The question is the highest form of thought. Learning requires a change of behavior. As long as a believer cannot question his or her belief, he or she can not learn (change their behavior).

The Question is the highest form of thought
The paradox is: If a believer CAN question his or her belief, he or she proves that they do NOT truly believe. Because that is considered “blasphemy”, believers are programmed NOT to learn anything outside of their dogmatic, mind-set belief. Learning reality does NOT require repentance or apology.
So, Christians, you do claim that Jesus Christ is God? Right?
Do you claim that Jesus Christ is “The One God of Abraham”?
If so, why don’t the Jews and Islam believe in Jesus Christ?
They both claim to believe in “The One God of Abraham”.
Ernestine Rose: It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists and were religion not inculcated into their minds, they would remain so.
Gary DeVaney: When a suspect is brought into court, the prosecution has already come to the conclusion that the suspect is guilty – or the suspect would not be in court. It is the prosecutor’s job to then prove the suspect’s guilt to the jury. I have concluded that the Biblical God is guilty of the C&V crimes documented and listed. The God Murders is my attempt to prosecute and convince a wholly unbiased jury of the Biblical God’s guilt. Good luck – – – right!
In The Beginning of His trial, the invisible Biblical God was asked if He was guilty of these crimes. He refused to answer. His defense lawyers stated that whether the Biblical God was guilty or not was irrelevant, as He was to be considered innocent because He is God.
To judge is to make realistic decisions based on evidence, not hearsay nor feel-good dogma.
What has produced the effects of dogmatic brainwashing, conditioning or programming more than religion?
Is death a gift or an enemy? If there is no afterlife – no eternal-damnation – no serving and worshiping a tyrannical God forever, death can be a gift.
Doesn’t God show infidelity and poor character when He breaks His word. All of God’s broken promises proved to be conditional.
Malachi 2:1-3 God said: If you do not listen to give glory to my name, I will strew dung (throw shit) in your faces.
Nice talk, Sir God.
Romans 5:13 Sin is not accounted when there is no law.
Believer: God is entitled. God does what He wants, whatever is His pleasure. God is not subject to any laws. He is totally above the laws of man. God makes laws to suit His own pleasure. How can God be subject to law if there is no law over Him?
Q: Does that also apply when there is a law; but it is not popular, acknowledged, nor enforced?
Believer: I don’t want to discuss it!
Do conservative (non-changing) Christian fundamentalists regard “evolution” as a scientific theory or as a symbol of evil?
Matilda Joslyn Gage: The careful student of history will discover that Christianity has been of very little value in advancing civilization but has done a great deal toward retarding it.
Blaise Pascal: Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
What was Mother Teresa’s primary goal? To heal the sick? No. To comfort and care? No. To prevent unwanted pregnancy? No. Christian Conversion? Yes.
If There Is No God:
Why do Christians mutilate their baby’s genitals?
Why do Christians shut down things on Sundays?
Why do women make less money for the same job than men?
Why do Christians blow-up planned-parenthood clinics?
Why does the Christian-dominated US military drone-bomb Muslims?
Why do Christians vote for so many blue laws?
Why do many Christians disown their gay kids?
Why are there 3 Christian churches for every public school?
Why do Christians insist on prayer to the Judeo-Christian God in public schools?
Why do many Christians disregard science and global warming?
Why is the Judeo-Christian Bible the best-selling book of all time?
Why does the Christian US government dedicate more tax money to churches then to US infrastructure?
Why does the US Government, without evidence, support the existence of God and help finance religions?
Then, the God-fearing, religious US Government has a lot to answer for.
Ludwig Feuerbach (1841) Greatly influenced philosophers such as Engles, Marx, David Strauss, Nitzsche and Max Stirner. Feuerbach considered God to be a human invention and religious activities to be wish-fulfillment. For this he is considered the founding father of modern anthropology of religion.
Atheists simply claim they have no evidence that there is, in reality, a God. Believers claim, without proof, there is a God and condemn Atheists for their doubt and lack of faith.
“I believe” means so many things that some seasoned Atheists rarely use those words. “I believe”, to seasoned Atheists, means: “I pretend” – “I gamble” – “I am mind-set – and that “I am committed”. It’s such a multiple-meaning and a vague term that it has little identifiable substance. However, “I believe” always admits “I don’t know.” Why should an Atheist buy into a believer’s “I don’t know?” When challenged, and the believer is proved wrong about something he believed, he will cop-out that he said he only believed. He didn’t say he knew.
Mindset believers are Atheists concerning every other God but their own. If you ask them to describe their God, they will mostly describe themselves and their personal feelings.
Atheists are more likely to be thinkers instead of believers. The highest form of thought is the question. Believers cannot question their beliefs because if a believer did question his or her belief, he or she would prove not to believe.
Intelligence Is Categorical. One can be intelligent in one category and a moron in many others. Atheists tend to require reality and “making sense” in their thinking. Believers tend use unrealistic “leaps of faith” in their debate.

A Leap Of Faith?
Richard Francis Burton: The More I study religions, the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.
Karen Armstrong: Religion should be studied with the same academic impartiality and accuracy as the economy, politics, and social customs of a region, so that we learn how religion interacts with political tension, what is counterproductive, and how to avoid giving unnecessary offense.
How realistic are Christians? How many Christians believe in the “Virgin Birth” and the “life after death resurrection”. How realistic do believing Christians prove to be?
Would you believe in Jesus if no obedience was necessary?
Epicurus: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then is God impotent. Is God able, but not willing? Then is God malevolent? Is God both able and willing? Is God evil?
Revelation 12:7 There was war in Heaven.
What? Is God in control?
You know, if just one Human Being truly has “free-will”; then God is not in control. You can’t have it both ways.
Believers feel supported when other believers commit to the same unrealistic dogma that they commit to. That is strange to a thinking Atheist.
Personal Declaration: I, Gary DeVaney, do tend to take issue with the Bible and its God due to documented controversial C&Vs of the Bible. To debate is to focus on the topic. To argue is to focus on control. Personally, in debate attacking opponents is bad debate. Exposing opponent flaws is part of debate but name-calling and talking down to your opponent is not. Some call my taking issue with God and the Bible lashing out. What can I say to that? If I am wrong, correct my errors, don’t just complain about them. Yes, the controversial Bible and its insane God are my issues. There are many definitions of murder. One definition that must be included is: To take a Human life to fulfill one’s personal agenda”. The Biblical God is guilty of this one throughout the Old Testament. This definition stands along with many others. In my value system, this definition best fits the murderous Biblical God. I hope to accomplish waking up the mind-set to: “The God of the Bible is NOT a good God, and the Bible is NOT a good model for Humanity.” It is time for them to go down in history as the worst models for Humanity ever. Can you imagine how many Human Beings threw their natural, happy lives away for this after-life (Heaven & Hell) nonsense?
Gary DeVaney
So, are you a sinner? Do you believe in God?
Atheist: Because I don’t have any factual evidence of any God, I am an Atheist. Mr. Christian, you tell me, do you believe in God?
Christian: I most certainly do.
Atheist: Which God do you believe in?
Christian: There is only one God, the God of the Bible.
Atheist: If an Islamic believer approached you, to convert to you to Islam, how would you feel?
Christian: I would certainly be offended!
Atheist: How would you feel if he pressured you to convert?
Christian: I would soon tell him where to get off.
Atheist: What would you do if he threatened you with “eternal-torment” if you did not convert?
Christian: If I were a violent man, we might come to blows. I would tell him, “Satan, get ye behind me.”
Atheist: What if you saw him try to convert other Christians?
Christian: I would strongly intervene.
Atheist: Based on your answers, how do you think Atheists feel when you try to convert us?
Christian: After this conversation and if I absolutely knew that he or she was an Atheist, I probably wouldn’t bother.
Atheist: Mr. Christian, we would appreciate that.
Christian: You are going to Hell!!!
Christian exit…
Atheist: Mr. Christian, I view that you are a “Poly-Atheist”.
Christian: What? I believe in God.
Atheist: Ok, be honest and answer yes or no. Do you believe in the god, Zeus?
Christian: No! I certainly do not! Zeus does not exist.
Atheist: Can you prove that Zeus does not exist?
Christian: No. I don’t have to. It is more than obvious that Zeus does not exist.
Atheist: Do you believe in Allah?
Christian: No!
Atheist: Do you know that Allah and the One God of Abraham are the same identical God.
Christian: No way!
Atheist: Yes. Ask any Rabbi or experienced Christian minister.
Christian: I do not believe that, and I will not spread pearls before swine. You are a sinner and a liar! You are going to Hell!!!
Atheist: Calm down. Do you believe in, support, promote and finance the war god, Mars?
Christian: Of course not!
Atheist: Do you believe in the gods Neptune, Horus or Thor?
Christian: No! No! And No!
Atheist: Then, by your own admission, Sir Christian, you are a Poly-Atheist because you do not believe in MANY gods. I too qualify to be a Poly-Atheist because I believe in just one God less than you do.
Atheist: Sir Christian, are you more upset that I don’t believe in your God, or, that I don’t believe you concerning your God?

Atheist: I Do Not Believe You Concerning Your God
Don’t you qualify as an Atheist?
Do you claim that there only one God?
If so, are you not an Atheist to all other gods?
Do you claim that Jesus Christ is the one God?
Do you claim that Jesus Christ is the “One God of Abraham”?
Do you believe in “The Trinity”; that God is Jesus, that Jesus is the Holy Ghost and that the Holy Ghost is God?
Yes, yes and yes!
Then Jesus Christ knocked-up His own mother Mary to produce Himself.
Blaspheny! You’re going to Hell!
Did Abraham know about, worship or speak about Jesus Christ?
If Jesus Christ is God; and the Jewish and Muslims religions deny that Jesus Christ is God, then, don’t the Jews and the Muslims all prove to be Atheists.
If the Biblical God and the Koran’s Allah are the same character, then is Jesus Christ Allah? Do you believe that Jesus is Allah or are you also an Atheist?
The Church fears Atheism, not because Atheism disrupts Human welfare, but that Atheism disrupts the church’s welfare.
Stephen Roberts said: I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Some would ban religion.
Some would make religion a controlled substance like cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.
Adolf Hitler was NOT an Atheist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP_iNCGH9kY
How to Destroy an Atheist in an Argument:
Pat Condell tells it like it is:
Delos B. McKown: The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.
This video shows 10 questions that prove that God is imaginary:
“Why God Doesn’t Heal Amputees”
Margaret Downey: Discrimination Against Atheists
Atheist Statistics
Prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd7iXASIOdA&feature=endscreen&NR=1
Some Notable AtheistsThomas Paine,Thomas Edison, Isaac Asimov, Ernest Hemingway, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Andrew Carnegie, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Robert Green Ingersoll, Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Frank Lloyd Wright, Susan B Anthony
Atheists Videos:
Burden Of Proof:
Atheist Cartoons:
Top 80 Best Short Atheist Quotes About Atheism And Religion
Einstein Atheism:
Christian / Atheist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpz8PMcRJSY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
Atheist Alert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWKDOikIgIs
Atheist Test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0A4_bwCaX0
If Atheists went to Heaven: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=TLGGKraKmXc&feature=fvwp
Jesus’ Welcome Back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfBEcTeoJYU
Top 10 arguments for the existence of God: http://freethoughtpedia.com/wiki/Top_ten_arguments_for_the_existence_of_God
Christian: That did it! I’m done! You will not obey! You are going to, Hell!
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
Who do you know has not yet seen Gary DeVaney’s “The God Murders” website or “The Shocking God” / “Jesus’ Family Values” YouTube videos:
Questions? Corrections? Comments?