Did Jesus Christ Lie?
Gary DeVaney
Intelligence is Categorical
Insanity is Contagious
A High Percentage of Stupid is Stubborn

Before you claim “blasphemy” please have the courage to check out these selected Bible C&Vs.
Did Jesus Christ Lie?
The Book of Matthew

Matthew 5:17 Jesus said: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Jesus’ teaching conflicted with the teachings of Paul, who preached that believers were no longer under the law. Which one lied?
Matthew 5:18-20 Jesus said: I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said He told the truth in Matthew 5:18 that Heaven will “pass away”. So, Heaven and Hell are not eternal? Hell only is eternal? Did Jesus lie?
Matthew 5:22 Jesus said: But anyone who says, “you fool!” will be in danger of the fire of Hell.
Luke 11:40 Jesus said: You fools!
In which Bible C&V did Jesus lie? Or did Jesus indicate: He is going to Hell?
Matthew 23:17 Jesus said: You blind fools!
Luke 12:19 Jesus said in a parable: But God said unto him, you fool, this night you shall die.
Luke 24:25 Jesus said: How foolish you are.
Galatians 3:1 Paul said: You foolish Galatians!
James 2:20 You foolish man…
Psalms 14:1 & 53:1 You have to think me a fool because I have said in my heart that there is no God.
Mark Twain: Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.
Matthew 5:29 Jesus said: If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out, throw it away.
Did Jesus lie? Well, you don’t believe it enough to do it – do you? (Do not do it!)
Matthew 5:30 If your right hand offends you, cut it off…
Is Jesus out of his mind?
Matthew 5:39 Jesus said: Resist not evil…
Jesus said: Resist not evil… Would you trust a baby-sitter, who would not resist evil? Wouldn’t you personally prefer someone close to you and your family would resist evil as much as he or she could? Is not resisting evil right and good for Human Beings? If Jesus did not lie, then, did Jesus prove to be evil? If Jesus would not resist evil, would you have Jesus baby-sit your baby? Or did Jesus Christ lie?
Matthew 5:39 Jesus said: If someone smites you, turn the other cheek. KJV
How many have concluded that Jesus lied here?
Matthew 5:44 Jesus said: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Matthew 6:25 Jesus said: Don’t worry about your life…
If mothers and fathers do not say that all the time to their children, do they think Jesus Christ lied?
Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus said: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 9:18-25 While Jesus spoke, there came a certain ruler who worshipped him, saying, my daughter is dead, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. Jesus said the maid is not dead but sleeping. They laughed at him. Jesus went in, took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
C. Dennis McKinsey: If the ruler’s daughter was dead, then, Jesus Christ lied because Jesus said that she was not dead but sleeping. If she was not dead, then Jesus performed no miracle.
Matthew 10:5-6 Jesus said: Go not into the way of the pagan (Catholic) gentiles (KJV), but go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

If You Are Jewish
Do You Believe in Jesus Christ?
What? Is Jesus saying that He only wanted to save the Jews and not to bother with pagans and gentiles? Aren’t pagans and gentiles also Human Beings and “God’s children”? Did Jesus Christ lie? Courage, now! Did He?
Hummm. If Jesus, a Jew, was only for the Jews, did Jesus Christ prove to be a discriminating racist?
Matthew 10:28 Jesus said: Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.
Jesus wants us to fear God.
Matthew 22:37Jesus said: You shall love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind.
Jesus wants us to love God.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love.
Wow! Talk about mixed signals!
Matthew 10:33 Jesus said: Whosoever shall deny Me before men, I will deny before God.
Jesus proves to be sensitive, aggressive, vengeful and vindictive!
When Jesus said: “turn the other cheek”, it turned out to be a – do as I say, not as I do – lie.
Matthew 10:34-36 Jesus said: I did not come to send peace but the sword, man against father, daughter against mother…and one’s enemies will be those of his household.
Did Jesus lie when He said that He did not come to send peace but the sword / conflict / war into your family’s lives? Was it Jesus’ agenda for your family members to be your enemies? Is this an evil agenda? Did Jesus Christ lie or does Jesus prove to be evil? Are Christian families who are not against each other bad Christians in Jesus’ eyes? My sensitivities can not support Jesus if this is His “attitude” (outer signs of inner feelings). Would Jesus do this to your family, or did Jesus Christ lie?
Matthew 10:37 Jesus said: Whoever loves his father, mother, son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.
Do you love your Father, Mother, Son & Daughter more than Jesus? Be honest now.
Haven’t arrogant, egocentric, possessive and jealous prisoners on death-row murdered in the name of what they perceived to be love? Where could these attitudes have originated? If Jesus did not lie, I think Jesus’ attitude is wrong for Humanity.
Luke 14:26 Jesus said: Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even their own life, cannot be my disciple.
Did Jesus lie – or was Jesus insane?
Matthew 11:12-14 Jesus said: John the Baptist is Elijah (Catholic) / Elias (KJV).
John 1:21 John the Baptist said he was not Elijah (Catholic) / Elias. (KJV)
John the Baptist said one thing, Jesus said the opposite. One of them lied. So, who lied – Jesus or John?
Matthew 11:19 & Luke 7:34 The Son of man (Jesus Christ) came eating and drinking and you say, “Here is a glutton and a drunkard”…
Theis Bible C&V documents that Jesus Christ was a glutton and a drunkard. Did the Bible lie?
Matthew 11:28 Jesus said: For I am meek and humble of heart; my yoke is easy and my burden light.
Jesus considers His “yoke” to be easy but if you fail to fulfill Jesus’ yoke of burden, you will sizzle in Hell for eternity. Isn’t it interesting that Jesus would consider that to be a light burden. Or did Jesus Christ lie?
Matthew 12:30 Jesus said: “Whoever is not with me is against me…”
Jesus has caused constant division and war with these words. Christians and Muslims constantly practice Jesus’ words. President George W. Bush also broadcast these words. Did Jesus mean these words and did Jesus want constant war because of them – or did Jesus lie?
Matthew 12:31 Jesus said: Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven. Even speaking against “The Son of Man” (Jesus Christ) will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against The Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. KJV
Doesn’t Jesus state here that forgiveness is conditional, or did Jesus Christ lie?
Matthew 12:40 Jesus Christ prophesied: For as Jonas was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth.
Jesus was in the Heart of the Earth three (3) days and three (3) nights? Really?
How can Jesus Christ’s burial on “Good Friday” afternoon and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead before daybreak on “Easter Sunday” morning qualify to be three (3) days and three (3) nights – as prophesied in Matthew 12:40 by Jesus Christ, Himself?
Did “perfect” Jesus, who was also the Almighty Biblical God, lie? If Jesus did not lie but was misquoted, did Jesus Christ truly exist as Christians believe Him to be?
The Bible is not a good book. The Bible is not a good model for Humanity. It is time for it to go.
Matthew 12:46-49 Someone told Jesus: Your mother and brothers are outside asking to speak to you. Jesus replied: Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?
Dare this be a Biblical lie about the character of Jesus Christ? Jesus doesn’t acknowledge His family? Jesus rejects His mother and His brothers? What a sad example of Jesus Christ’s “family values”.
Matthew 13:12 Jesus said: Whoever has, will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has, will be taken from him.
Behold! That sounds like Christianity runs the US economy. Do you think that Jesus lied?
Ecclesiastes 10:19 Money answers all things…
Didn’t know that “money answers all things” is in the perfect, holy, sacred Bible, did you?
Matthew 13:41-42 Jesus said: The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Jesus said that if He is offended by you, you shall be cast into a furnace of fire – or did Jesus lie?
Matthew 13:49-50 Jesus said: The Angels will separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into a fiery furnace where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.
Mathhew also claims that Angels toss us into Hell, or do you think that Jesus did lie?
Matthew 15:4 Jesus said: Honor thy father and mother.
Does Jesus tell you: Do as I say – not as I do? Doesn’t Jesus prove to be a hypocrite?
Matthew 15:19 Jesus said: For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.
Was Jesus ignorant about the blood-pumping Human heart or did Jesus lie?
Matthew 15:22-28 A Canaanite (Gentile) woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus ignored her. His disciples asked Jesus to send her away. Jesus replied that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (The Jews). Jesus then said: It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs. She appealed to Jesus: Please Lord, even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table. Jesus healed her daughter.
What? Did Jesus, in Matthew refer to this poor Gentile woman and her sick Gentile daughter as “dogs”? Did Jesus reject the woman because she and her daughter were not Jews? Then, after the woman did beg and grovel like a dog. Jesus did heal her daughter.
Does this documented model of Jesus Christ require non-Jews to beg Jesus, like groveling, begging dogs to save them?
What defines the characteristics of a name-calling racist? Weren’t Jesus’ initial comments to the woman those of a stubborn, negative, name-calling racist? How would you say Jesus responded to the woman before she outright begged Him?
Do you know of any self-admitted Christians who are stubborn, name-calling racists? Does this Jesus model inspire white, Christian racism?
Did Jesus Christ lie when He claimed to come only for the Jews?
Concerning: The Apostle Paul:
in Galatians 2:1-10 & Acts 15: The Apostle Paul went against Jesus’ teaching when he opened Christianity up to Gentiles? The Catholic Chruch prefers, follows and preaches Paul’s teachings much more than Jesus Christ’s teachings. For Catholics, “Christianity” should be called “Paulianity”.

Matthew 16:28 Jesus said: There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see The Son of Man (Jesus) coming in His Own kingdom.
Did Jesus Christ lie to those standing there – about their not dying – before He came into His Kingdom? What has history proven? If Jesus did not lie, then Jesus Christ was wrong. If Jesus was wrong, then Jesus Christ was a false prophet. If Jesus Christ was wrong, then Jesus certainly was not God. Which do you prefer? Do you dare choose? As of 2023 AD, Jesus Christ has not yet come into His Kingdom on planet Earth. Do you agree? Can you prove that some of those people who Jesus said “they shall not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God” are still alive? If not, did Jesus lie?
Isaiah 43:11 I am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior.
Well, that settles that! It claims that God is the only savior – not Jesus.
Isaiah 45:22 God said: Look to Me, and be saved, for I am God, and there is none else.
Did Jesus lie concerning being the savior?
John 10:30 Jesus said: I and My Father (God) are one.
If obsessively believed, could this nonsense drive a young, dedicated law student or scientist crazy?
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that God should sin, nor the son of man that God should repent.
Genesis 6:6 God repented that He had made man.
Because God repented in Genesis 6:6, it contradicts Numbers 23:19 where it infers that God does not repent.
Which contradictory Bible C&V proves to lie? If Numbers 23:19 is “God’s Word” then Jesus Christ, a man, lied in John 10:30.
Support for either C&V disclaims the other. No believer – as much as they want it – can have it both ways. And “faith” is not an answer.
Isaiah 45:7 God said: I, the Lord, make peace and (I) create evil.
God creates evil! Should God / Jesus Christ be arrested, put in “Gitmo”, water-boarded / tortured and held for saying that He created “Evil”? (Presuming that Jesus is God.) Or – Did God / Jesus outright lie when He said it? If God / Jesus did say it – did God / Jesus prove to be evil? What kind of good, wholesome model is God / Jesus Christ to have said this? Or – did the Holy Bible lie by claiming and documenting that God / Jesus did say: “I create evil”?

Can you answer these questions? Have you explained your answers? If so – after hearing your own explanation – did you lie?
Matthew 18:8 Jesus said: Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
Do you believe you should cut your sinful hands and feet off to prevent entering Hell?
Matthew 19:12 Jesus said: Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so.
Why? Is it because they are gay? Jesus never married nor had children by Bible C&V documentation. There was in John 21:20 “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. Hummm…
Matthew 19:17 Jesus said: Why do you call me good? There is none good but God.
Dennis McKinsey: This comment not only proves Jesus is not God or God’s equivalent, proven by his words no less, but proves he is not perfect, again by his own words. Therefore, Jesus is not God because God by definition is perfect.
Matthew 21:22 Jesus said: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.
Has Jesus ever lied to you about his one?
Matthew 23:9 Jesus said: Call no one on Earth your father…
Did Jesus Christ lie when He commanded for you – a converted, believing, Catholic Christian – to call no one on Earth “father”? If you do call your Catholic Priest “father”, aren’t you insisting that Jesus lied? Do Catholic Priests who are called “Father” operate church business as if Jesus Christ lied?
Matthew 25:41 Jesus said to them on His left: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels.
Did Jesus send these Human Beings into “Everlasting Fire” or did Jesus Christ lie?
Matthew 28:18 Jesus said: All power is given to Me in Heaven and in Earth.
The secret of religion: Religion teaches, trains, programs and brainwashes Human Beings to worship, praise, follow, obey, promote, support and finance a “False Authority” (God) so that an “Assumed Authority” can more easily step in and receive all the loyal obedience of religion. Governments of all the countries on Earth promote religion. Though religion, gullible, mind-set, programmed, conditioned, brain-washed individuals will more easily transfer their allegiance to a conman who “Assumed Authority”.
For years, starting in 2015, Evangelicals in the United States of America gave President Donald J. Trump more money and power just before, during and after his presidency than they gave to churches for Jesus Christ. And what was “Christlike” about Donald J. Trump? Trump was fact-checked to have publicly spoken 30,529 lies during his 1 term as President. The most gullible Evangelicals believed, obeyed, worshiped, promoted, supported, and financed the narcissistic, egocentric conman Donald J. Trump anyway.
Ah, the errancy of blind faith and worshipful belief.
1 John 5:19 The whole World is under control of the evil one.
I’ve had my suspicions.
Romans 8:7 The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law. It cannot.
James 4:4 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
2 Timothy 3:4 Traitors, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…
These last 3 Bible C&Vs would make any normal, sexually healthy Human Being have to choose against God.
Revelation 2:26-27 Jesus said: To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron. He will dash them to pieces like pottery, just as I have received authority from my Father.
Jesus will put a tyrant “who does His will to the end” over nations and he will dash other nations to pieces like pottery?
Do you think that is something a tyrant would do?
Does Revelation describe that Jesus is dashing other nations (of people) to pieces AT the end time or AFTER the end time in Jesus’ Heaven? Will Jesus, as a master tyrant, do this evil on other nations – or – did Jesus lie?
What bothers me the most is: Why do Christians currently support, promote, worship and finance such a character as Jesus Christ, who would “dash other nations to pieces like pottery”?
Do you ever hear from believers: But, Jesus loves you!
Revelation 3:19 Jesus said: Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.
Then, if Jesus is not completely satisfied with your repentance, groveling and reception to his correction, Jesus will send you into Hell’s Eternal-Torment. What a God!
Jesus said that he speaks in parables so that only an elect inner circle will understand him (Mark 4:10-12, Matthew 13:10-13, Luke 8:9-10). Matthew 7:6 – including the famous injunction not to cast pearls before swine.
If I accurately selected Bible C&Vs where Jesus is documented to have lied, would you go “ad hominine” and ignore Jesus’ lying and instead claim that I lied concerning all these selected Bible C&Vs? If so, why?
Concerning the life of Jesus, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. There is no scientific evidence that the miracles ascribed to Jesus happened, or that any similar miracles ever happened in all of history. Such miracle stories are extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof. To believe in these supernatural miracles is to not be motivated by reality.
The voting members of The Counsel of Nicaea voted on the books of the Canon and for Jesus Christ to be Divine.

Did Jesus Christ Lie?
The Book of Mark
Mark 3:21 Jesus Christ’s family thought Jesus was out of his mind.
After many years living with Jesus, His family thought Jesus was crazy. Maybe if Jesus lied numerous times by documented Bible C&V evidence, Jesus’ family was correct.
Mark 4:11-12 Jesus said to His Disciples: It is given for you to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to outsiders, all these things are done in parables: So that they may see, and not perceive; and that they may hear, and not understand; so they may not turn again and be forgiven.
I’m sorry. I just don’t understand this one.
Mark 5:21–43, Matthew 9:18–26, Luke 8:40–56 Jesus is informed that Jairus’ daughter is dead. Jesus said she was just sleeping. Jesus commanded her to get up. She got up.
If Jesus lied that Jairus’ daughter was just sleeping – no miracle was performed. You have to either admit to the lie or to the miracle – not both.
Mark 5:27-30 A woman touched Jesus’ cloak. Jesus was aware at once that power had gone out of Him.
What? Doesn’t this C&V mean that Jesus had conditional, limited, depleting and uncontrollable power? Doesn’t this mean that a Human Being can control and deplete Jesus’ power? If this Bible C&V is factual, what else can it possibly mean concerning the limitation of Jesus Christ and of God Himself?
Mark 9:1 & Luke 9:27 Jesus said: Some of you standing here shall not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God after it has come with power.
Would you testify, swear and give your word in front of the US Supreme Court that some of those men who Jesus said this to are still alive today?
Mark 9:23 Jesus said: All things are possible for one who believes.
If you claim to be a believer, have all things, that you prayed for, turned out as you expected? Belief is the biggest and most effective tool of an evil conman.
Mark 9:43 Jesus said: If your hand offends you, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.
Mark 9:45 Jesus said: If your foot offends you, cut it off. It is better for you to enter eternal life as a cripple, than to have two feet and be cast into hell.
What? Did Jesus lie?
Mark 9:47 Jesus said: If your eye offends you, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes in Hell.
So, if you lose or pluck out an eye while you are alive, you will enter Heaven with just one eye? Something’s wrong with Jesus. Or did Jesus lie?
What? Mommies, do not promote or teach these controversial C&Vs to your kids!
Mark 10:18 Jesus said: Why do you call Me good? No one is good but God alone.
Did Jesus lie in Mark 10:18 when He again separated Himself from being God? Did Jesus lie about Himself not being good?
Mark 10:25 Jesus said: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you are a wealthy Christian believer, do you live as if you believe Jesus lied? Or would you rather believe that Jesus told the truth and that you choose to forego Heaven – by preferring to face Jesus’ “Eternal Torment” in Hell? Or, if you are wealthy Christian minister, do you not believe what you do preach to others?
Wife Suzanne of Televangelist Benny Hinn Divorced Hinn!
Joke: A multi-millionaire televangelist and his hot, young trophy-wife were flying in one of their private jets on vacation. The preacher turned to his wife and said: “Ah, life is good. If I weren’t rich, would you still love me?” A worshipful tear flowed from her eye. She thought for a moment, looked at him, nervously smiled and said: “Of course, I’d love you…. I’d miss you.”

The combined wealth of US Christian Clergy could feed all the US homeless for the next 100 years.
Considering your contribution to the Judeo-Christian religion. Your money speaks louder than your words.
Mark 10:26-27 Who can be saved? Jesus said: For human beings, it is impossible.

that God would save them from this?
Do practicing Christians, who try to convert you, believe Jesus to be a liar concerning salvation?
Mark 10:29 Jesus said: Everyone that has forsaken houses, brethren, sisters, father, mother, wife, children or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life.
What? You will get hundreds of everything listed above? Did Jesus lie? I hope so. That’s a lot of demanded time, expense and maintenance.
Mark 11:23 Jesus said: If you have faith, you can throw mountains into the sea.

Did Jesus lie to the people He spoke this to? Does Jesus promise and promote irrational power to obtain obedient faith. What sane Human Being would want to throw mountains into the sea? The most obsessed, insane and power-crazy would just murder others to get what they want – just like the Old Testament God had His “Chosen People” murder nations so to steal their “Promised Land”. Was Jesus Christ actually the murderous God of the Old Testament?
Mark 11:24 Jesus said: I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. Catholic
Have you received all that you asked Jesus for in prayer? If not, come on, did Jesus lie?
When you pray and do ask God for things, aren’t you really complaining that God is not gifting you to your standards and to your expectations? Aren’t you really trying to tell God how to run His business – especially concerning what you think God is giving to you?
Mark 12:31 Jesus said: Love your neighbor as yourself.
1 John 2:15 Jesus said: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him.
Mark 13:12 Jesus said: Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will raise up against their parents and put them to death.
Did Jesus lie concerning His documented prophesy / agenda for children to kill their parents? Is Jesus honest? Does Jesus have integrity? Does Jesus say what He means? Does Jesus mean what He says? What the Hell would a fundamentalist Christian preacher say? Would the preacher dare lie?
Gary DeVaney: Do you view that I am lying concerning all these selected Bible C&Vs? If so, submit your challenges and corrections, by email, to: gary@gdevaney.com (Do not get caught preaching.)
Revelation 2:23 The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) said: I will kill her children… KJV
Did Jesus lie when He said that He would also kill the Harlot’s children in Rev 2:23? Would you, a saved Christian, assist Jesus Christ in killing someone’s children? Is Jesus Christ a good model for Humanity?
Our US Government historically orders US children to kill other nation’s children to protect our government’s foreign “interests”.
How many Christian parents have encouraged their sons to kill a million Iraqis and their children just because God told President George W. Bush, in a dream, to attack Iraq?
Can you explain why the USA had killed and injured about 20 million Vietnamese?
Do you believe that your personal reasons for war are good enough to take those few million Human lives? Did the Bible and its God inspire or entitle you to your murderous beliefs?
Mark 13:23 Jesus said: But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
After 2,000 years, science has learned that Jesus did not foretell us much at all. Specifically, Jesus did not tell us of things that would be beneficial to Human life. Jesus could have told Mankind about micro-organisms and antibiotics. That would have saved billions of Human lives over the past 2,000 years. But, Jesus did not – did He? Jesus could have told us about electricity, which has been the greatest and most powerful gift for the comfort of Mankind. But all-knowing Jesus chose not to. Can you think of anything else that Jesus could have told us that would have made Mankind’s life on Earth be safer and less painful. Jesus taught that you are not worthy of Him if you dare to love anything more than you love Jesus. Jesus also brought Hell and Eternal Torment into fashion – if you would not have Jesus Christ be King and tyrant over you. Objectively and honestly, did Jesus Christ tell the absolute truth or did Jesus somewhat lie when He said: “I have foretold you all things”?
Mark 13:30 Matthew 24:34 Luke 21:32 Jesus said to those listening: This generation shall not pass away until all these things take place.
My Gawd! Are these lies ever persistent! Those specific, standing, living listeners have now been dead for about 2,000 years. Jesus was miraculously “resurrected” after 3 days. Otherwise, Jesus is not documented to have come back since He said these words to them. And you claim that this is not a lie because…
Mark 13: 31-32 Jesus said: Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away. But of that day, that hour no man knows, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, only the Father.
This again proves that Jesus and “The Father” are NOT one. Does Jesus claim that He is God here? This could drive a young, dedicated science student crazy. Was Jesus Christ really and truly God? Can you explain – after all of documented Jesus’ praying to God – how Jesus could possibly be God?
Most People of science accept that Earth will eventually cease to exist, but Jesus also claimed in Mark 13:31-32 that Heaven will also pass away. If Heaven ceases to exist, so much for the myth of Eternal Life or Eternal Torment. Is all of religious dogma just a pack of lies?
Mark 13:32 Jesus claims that no one but God knows when the end will come and that not even Jesus Christ or the Angels will know.
If this is a fact, then Jesus Christ – and / or any believer – who claims that Jesus is God – is lying!
Colossians 1:15 He (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
My Gawd! Jesus Christ was created? If true, again, how can Jesus Christ be God?
Mark 16:15 Jesus said: Preach the gospel to every creature…

What? Jesus said for you to preach the gospel to fleas, maggots, cats, and Great White Sharks, too? Are they not “creatures”? Does Jesus’ order qualify to be a lie? Do you preach the gospel to your pet? If so, see a shrink.
When confused, one’s mind can seem to be swimming in circles.

Mark 16:16 Jesus said: He who does not believe shall be damned.
Does Jesus Christ and the Biblical God support, promote and approve of torture?
If you, or anybody else, who does not believe / obey Jesus Christ and the Biblical God to God’s satisfaction – won’t God send you all into Hell’s Eternal-Torment?
Fact: Our own US Government wages war and proves to torture those who do not believe / obey US.
If they believed and obeyed – the US Government would have no reason to kill and torture them – would it?
The torture and killing would stop – wouldn’t it?
If not – explain.
Mark 16:18 Jesus said: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Catholic / KJV
Jesus said that they will handle serpents, drink poison and not die?
But what if the serpent is a non-believer? Moms and dads do not teach this to your children.
Did Jesus Christ lie in either or both of these C&Vs concerning poisonous serpents? Come on! Would a sane person put a poisonous snake in his or her child’s lap just to prove that Jesus did not lie?
(Again, please! Do not ever do that to prove your insane faith and belief!)
Please submit your on-topic questions and comments to: gary@gdevaney.com
Did Jesus Christ Lie?
The Book of Luke

Luke 1:33 He (Jesus) will rule over the house of Jacob (the Jews) forever.
C. Dennis McKinsey: When did Jesus Christ ever rule over the house of Jacob, the Jews?
Did the Bible or Jesus Christ lie?
Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom, stature and IN FAVOR with God . . .
Whoa! How is Jesus, who is also God, increased IN FAVOR with God? How many questions / issues does Luke 2:52 bring into reality. Based on this, does the claim that Jesus is God again prove to be a lie?
Luke 10:19-20 Jesus said: I have given you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will hurt you.
Do not test Jesus’ integrity on this one. Unless you are ready to die.
You will see this again in Mark 16:17-18.
Luke 12:7 Jesus said: Even the hairs on you head have been counted by God.
Yet didn’t this same God order a census by Moses and by David to get a count of soldiers? Did Jesus lie?
Luke 12:33 Jesus said: Sell what you have and give alms… KJV

You Give Up All Your Possessions.
Did Jesus lie? Have you obeyed Jesus Christ and sold / given up all your own possessions? After selling what you owned, did you then give all your money away? Do you prove to be a good Christian in Jesus’ eyes? Wealthy televangelists would say that you were a great Christian – as long as you gave to THEM all that you have.
Wealthy women like “demon-possessed” and “accused prostitute” Mary Magdalene financially supported Jesus. Dogma suggests that Jesus Christ’s Grand-Uncle, Joseph-of-Arimathea, was a wealthy tin merchant. Neither Joseph-of-Arimathea nor Mary Magdalene is documented to have given up their wealth.
According to “The Trinity” Baby Jesus Christ WAS His own “Holy Spirit” father. If Jesus was God and The Holy Spirit, then Jesus knocked-up His own mother to produce Himself.
Pat Robertson brought in about $460 million in 2010. Obviously, these ruthless conmen / clergy prefer to live by the little mentioned: Ecclesiastes 10:19: Money answers all things.
Matthew 5:22 Jesus said: But anyone who says, “you fool!” will be in danger of the fire of Hell.
Luke 11:40 Jesus said: You fools!
In which Bible C&V did Jesus lie? Or did Jesus indicate: He is going to Hell?
Matthew 23:17 Jesus said: You blind fools!
Luke 12:14 Jesus said: Friend, who appointed me as your judge?
Does this prove that Jesus is not our judge? Or did Jesus lie?
Luke 12:19 Jesus said in a parable: But God said unto him, you fool, this night you shall die.
Luke 24:25 Jesus said: How foolish you are.
Galatians 3:1 Paul said: You foolish Galatians!
James 2:20 You foolish man…
Psalms 14:1 & 53:1 You have to think me a fool because I have said in my heart that there is no God.
Mark Twain: Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.
Matthew 23:17 Jesus said: You blind fools!
Psalms 14:1 & 53:1 You have to think me a fool because I have said in my heart that there is no God.
Luke 12:33 Jesus said: Sell what you have and give alms… KJV
Did Jesus want you to sell what you have, or did Jesus lie?
Luke 12:49-54 Jesus said: I have come to set the Earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing. How great is My anguish until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the Earth? No, rather division; father against son, mother against daughter + + +. Catholic
Jesus said that He came to set the Earth on fire? Satan could not have said this better. Also, is one who wishes really in control? Jesus does not get my vote.
Luke 12:51 Jesus said: Do you think I have come to establish peace on the Earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.
Was Jesus Christ the love-model for the Crusades, the Inquisition, Hitler, George W. Bush and some of the other tyrants throughout history who waged wars on innocent countries? If Satan said these things, we could validate any anger towards him.
Luke 14:26 Jesus said: If anyone comes to Me without hating his father, mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
Did Jesus lie about your having to hate your mother, your father, your brothers, your sisters, your wife, your children and your own life before Jesus would accept you? Would an evil individual require all that hatred? What kind of monster would expect or order that? Do Christian believers worship monsters? Overall, why worship anyone or anything?
In Luke 14:26 Jesus said: You have to hate your brother to be Jesus’ disciple?
In 1 John 3:15-15 Who hates his brother is a murderer – who has no eternal life? What the . . . .!
Jesus included that you must hate your children – didn’t He?
Luke 14:33 Jesus said: Everyone who does not renounce all of their possessions (Catholic) forsake all that they have (KJV) cannot be my disciple.
Ecclesiastes 10:19 Money answers all things.
Does Jesus want you broke and poor, or did Jesus lie?
Mark 2:15 While Jesus was at meal in His house… KJV
What? Jesus has possessions? Jesus has a house? What a liar and hypocrite!
Luke 16:15 Jesus said: What is of human-esteem among men is an abomination is the sight of God.
What would mental-health experts say about Jesus’ views of Human self-esteem?
Luke 19:27 Jesus said: And as for those, Mine enemies, who would not have Me be King over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
In what “context” can Jesus words in Luke 19:27 be proper?
If the no-name, kingdom-expanding King that Jesus referred to in His Bible parable is Himself, did Jesus lie about “bring them before Me and slay them“? Who else, in the New Testament, was named to be “Expanding His Kingdom”?
Revelation 2:23 Jesus Christ (The Son of Man) said: I will kill her children… KJV
Did Jesus lie when He said that He would kill the Harlot’s children in Rev 2:23? Would you, a saved Christian, assist Jesus in killing someone’s children? Btw, Jesus would have to go through me to kill your or anyone’ else’s child.
So, do Jesus’ statement depict civilized / legal or Humanitarian values?
Personally, Luke 19:27 and Revelation 2:23 are the 2 Bible C&Vs that most turned me off to Jesus Christ. I choose to not be around such a character. How can mind-set believers’ worship, support, promote and finance such a character?
Did Jesus lie about your having to hate your mother, your father, your brothers, your sisters, your wife, your children and your own life before Jesus would accept you? Would a tyrannical, jealous, black mailing, evil person require that?
If the average American Christian watched, saw and heard an Islamic leader, King or President say on TV: “I have come to set the Earth on fire, and how I WISH it were already blazing. How great is my anguish until it is accomplished! Would he or she claim that these were the words of an evil terrorist? Is this an “evil”, terrorist statement? Yes? No? If yes, did Jesus Christ prove to be an evil / insane terrorist by making this evil / murderous statement? Do you insist that it depends on who said it? What was in Jesus’ “heart” when He said it?
Would you zealously support evil if you knew it came from God, or from the President of the United States of America?
Does Jesus want, demand and expect His believers and followers to fulfill His WISHES? Will Jesus punish those who will not fulfill His WISHES? Do you pick and choose which of Jesus’ WISHES you will fulfill and those you won’t? How much of a real God is a God who has to WISH?
Should Jesus Christ be arrested, put in “Gitmo”, water-boarded / tortured and held without charges for saying it? Or, did Jesus outright lie when He said it? What kind of model was Jesus Christ to have said this? Or, did the Holy Bible lie by claiming and documenting that Jesus said it? Responses?
1 John 3:14-15 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that does not love his brother abides in death. Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
Luke 21:16-17 Jesus said: You will be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives and friends and they will put some of you to death.
“Happy Mother’s Day” from Jesus.
Sniff! I’m starting to feel a little sad…
Luke 22:36 Jesus said: He that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.
Did Jesus lie – or – are you an obedient Christian who personally owns a sword or an AR-15 which is historically designed for the intent to slice up or mass murder other Human Beings?
Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him: Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Did Jesus lie to the thief on the cross when Jesus promised that He would be with him today in Paradise / Heaven?
Matthew 12:40 Jesus Christ prophesied: For as Jonas was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth. KJV
Question: How can Jesus Christ’s burial on “Good Friday” afternoon and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead before daybreak on “Easter Sunday” qualify to be three (3) days and three (3) nights – as prophesied in Matthew 12:40 by Jesus Christ, Himself? Or did Jesus lie?
Did Jesus tell the absolute truth to the thief who was crucified with Him by stating: “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”? Specifically, how could Jesus spend 3 days and 3 nights in Hell instead of Paradise and make such a statement to the thief? The purest logic would have to consider that Jesus’ “Paradise / Heaven” was “Hell” to make such a statement.
Robert Ingersoll: If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane.
Did Jesus Christ Lie?

The Book of John
John 1:19-36: John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ claiming twice not to know Jesus. Jesus Christ was John the Baptist’s cousin.
If John the Baptist and Jesus Christ are cousins, is lying a family affair?
John 1:21 John the Baptist said he was not Elijah.
Matthew 11:12-14 Jesus said: John the Baptist is Elijah (Catholic) / Elias.) (KJV)
Who lied? John the Baptist or Jesus Christ? Do you acknowledge and confirm that according to these two documented Bible C&Vs, either Jesus Christ or John the Baptist lied?
Do you dare be courageous enough to answer the question – even to yourself?
John 2:1-11 Jesus provided wine and promoted the drinking of wine when He turned water into wine.
How does Alcohol Anonymous deal with these “sacred” Bible C&Vs?
Proverbs 23:21 For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.
How do these Bible C&Vs affect Jesus Christ’s status and reputation when the Bible documents that Jesus promoted the drinking of wine and was accused of being “a drunkard and a glutton”?
John 2:3-4 When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to Him: They have no wine. Jesus said to His mother: Woman, how does your concern affect Me? Catholic
Jesus Christ said: Woman, how does your concern affect Me – to His Mother?
Catholic BN: A Hebrew expression of hostility – a denial of common interest. This Catholic Bible Note actually criticized Jesus’ comment.
Jesus’ narcissism and arrogance loses me. But it shows that Jesus talks the talk and walks the walk when it comes to not loving His father, mother, brothers and sisters more than He loves Himself.
John 3:13 Jesus said: No one has gone up to Heaven except the One who has come down from Heaven, The Son of Man (Jesus).
But, when Jesus said this, Jesus, Himself, was still alive and had not yet gone up to Heaven. If Jesus, Himself, is the only one to have gone up to Heaven, doesn’t that contradict and eliminate Enoch’s going up to Heaven in Genesis 5:22-24 and Elijah’s going up to Heaven in a whirlwind in II Kings 2:11 and Angels going up and down, to and from Heaven on “Jacob’s Ladder” in Genesis 28:12? So, did Jesus Christ utter another falsehood here? If the Biblical scribes misquoted Jesus – did Jesus Christ really exist as depicted? Or did Jesus just get caught in documenting another lie?
John 4:22 Jesus said: You people worship what you do not understand. We worship what we understand, because salvation is of the Jews. KJV
Jesus Said: Salvation Is of the Jews?
What? Salvation is documented, Bible C&V, to be a discriminatory, racial thing? Didn’t Jesus make a racial statement? Did Jesus prove to be prejudice? Did Jesus prove to discriminate? Did Jesus prove to be a racist? Or did Jesus lie?
If Jesus is “the one God”, why would “the one God” worship?
Does Jesus admit in this “sacred” Bible C&V to being a liar? What “spin” should a devout Christian put on Jesus’ statement documented in John 5:31?
John 5:21-25 God judges no one. God has given all judgment to His Son (Jesus).
John 8:15 Jesus said: I pass judgment on no one.
So, did Jesus lie in John 5:21-22 or in John 8:15?
What? Jesus claims God judges no one? Jesus does all the judging? Then Jesus claims He judges no one. One way or another, Jesus is lying. This proves, again, that Jesus and God are not the same entity.
John 5:31 Jesus said: If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. KJV
What? Holy Jesus! What is Jesus Christ saying here about Himself? Jesus claims to not tell the truth.
John 5:34 Jesus said: I do not accept testimony from a Human Being… Catholic
If you, a Human Being, pray to Jesus and give testimony, then you must claim that Jesus lied about not accepting Human testimony. How does Jesus Christ’s not accepting Human testimony affect prayer? Calling all believers – did you know this? Check out John 5:34 for yourself. Even the KJV says it in its “Old English” way. You do believe every “sacred” word of the “Holy” Bible – don’t you?
John 5:41 Jesus said: I do not accept Human praise… Catholic
Why would you praise Jesus Christ unless you believed that Jesus lied about His not accepting Human praise?
John 5:45 Jesus said: I will not accuse you. The one who will accuse you is Moses…
Jesus said: It Is Moses Who Will Accuse You? What? Moses! Is there an honest, truthful Christian who would say that Jesus outright lied about this one? Would you?
John 6:53-57 Jesus said: Except you eat the flesh of The Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. My flesh is meat and My blood is drink. He that eats My flesh and drinks My blood, dwells in Me, and I in him. The living God sent Me, and I live by God so he that eats Me shall live by Me. I am that bread / body which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead: he that eats of My body and drinks of My blood shall live forever.
In Leviticus 17:12 God forbids the drinking of blood.
Why did Jesus promote, even symbolically, the drinking of His blood – knowing that God forbid the drinking of blood? Did Jesus lie? Did Jesus say what He meant? Did Jesus mean what He said? Did Jesus offer His Human blood and His human body for food and drink by Human cannibal consumption? Is Christianity a whole lot of insane pretend? Is “faith” and “fantasy” the same in religion?
Is this crazy stuff – a promotion for pure cannibalism – or did Jesus Christ lie?
Does Jesus Christ and the Catholic church disobey the Old Testament Biblical God’s order?
John 7:5 Jesus’ brothers did NOT believe Him.
What does this Bible C&V say about Jesus Christ’s integrity and reputation? Who knew Jesus better than His own brothers? Yet, this Bible C&V, John 7:5 documents that Jesus’ brothers did not believe Jesus.
John 7:8-10 Jesus said to His brethren: You go up to this feast. I will not go up yet to this feast for my time is not come. But when His brethren were gone up to the feast, Jesus also went up to the feast in secret.
Didn’t Jesus outright lie to His brethren? If Jesus did intentionally deceive His brethren, then the word “yet” is irreverent to His lying.
John 7:16 Jesus said, My doctrine is not Mine, but His that sent Me.
Jesus does admit here – that He was not God. Also, this documents that Jesus’ doctrine is not the same as God’s doctrine.
John 8:14 Jesus said: Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true.
So – which time did Jesus lie?
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
God made Jesus! That settles it. Jesus is not God.
John 8:15 & 12:47 Jesus said: I judge no man. KJV
Who do you prefer to be the liar? God or Jesus? God gave Jesus the judgment. Jesus said: I judge no man. What was John smoking when he wrote these “sacred” Bible C&Vs? What are believers smoking who believe them?
John 8:42 Jesus said: I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of Myself, but God sent me.
Doesn’t Jesus’ own words again separate Jesus Christ from being God? Or did Jesus lie? Based on Jesus’ documented C&V words, do you honestly believe that Jesus Christ believed that He truly was the same insane Biblical God who caused all the murdering of Humanity in The Old Testament?
John 8:44 Jesus said to the Jewish Pharisees: You are of your father the devil (Satan) and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning (Cain, the son of Satan, according to Pastor Arnold Murray, murdered Abel) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he spoke a lie, he spoke of his own: for he (Satan) is a liar, and the father of lies.
Jesus verified that Cain was Satan’s son. According to Pastor Arnold Murray, Satan knocked-up Eve in a 3-some with Adam. Did Jesus Christ and Pastor Arnold Murray both tell the truth?
John 8:50 Jesus said: And I seek not My own glory…
If Jesus seeks His Kingdom over us in the afterlife, doesn’t Jesus seek His own glory?
John 9:1-3 As Jesus passed by, He saw a man which was blind from his birth. His disciples asked Him: Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: Neither has this man sinned, nor has his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
The man was born blind. Jesus said that it’s God’s works / fault. It’s not Satan’s doing. It’ is not because of the man nor his parents sinning. Jesus blamed God for this man’s sad affliction from birth. If that is the Biblical God’s “just and fair” agenda, God is pure evil. Or did Jesus Christ lie?
John 9:39 Jesus said: For judgment I came into this world, that they which see might not see; and that they which see might be made blind.
What did Jesus say? Did Jesus come into this world to deceive Human Beings? Why?
Jesus said: My teaching is not My own but God’s.
Then behold:
John 10:30 Jesus said: I and My father are one.
John 10:29 My Father, which gave them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
So, this Bible C&V claims that nobody, neither you nor I, can never be responsible or blamed for Christian backsliding.
John 10:30 Jesus said: I and My Father (God) are one.
Here Jesus claimed that He and God are one.
John 11:25-26 Jesus said: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?
What? Jesus asked those listening: “Do you believe this?” If someone said, “yes”, I am confident that Jesus’ follow-up question was: “Really? What part?”
Why can’t Human egos handle the idea of expiration, death and non-existence? Doesn’t almost every Christian and Muslim ego argue for and insist on everlasting life? Isn’t it mostly due to the fear of “Eternal Torment” if you don’t obey what God and Jesus demand of you?
Christianity claims: “God does not change.” In the Old Testament, there was no “spiritual death” or “after-life” mentioned. The Old Testament Jews thought that God did it all. That’s why God’s persistent threat was: Obey Me or I will kill you. Every Christian who has died – remains dead. No Christian – who was legitimately dead – has ever come back to life. Furthermore, every dead Christian, who believed in Jesus, did die. Did Jesus lie?
Most Human egos cannot handle the idea of their own demise. For manipulation / control purposes, Christianity capitalizes on the Human ego’s ability to invent an imaginary “after-life” for itself.
It was after Jesus Christ, that Afterlife, Heaven, Hell and Eternal Torment was introduced by a new religion that became Christianity. What believers refuse to know or realize is that Jesus Christ, a new rabbi, plagiarized Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion to establish Christianity. The Jewish Priests still believed that their One God of Abraham did it all and that is why they had Jesus Christ crucified.
Personally, I prefer non-existence to being forced to live forever. No sleep? Groveling and worshipping the Biblical God and Jesus Christ 24 / 7 forever? Ugggh, I’ll pass.
Scroll, click on and see: Zoroastrianism.
John 12:24 Jesus said: If a seed dies, it will produce many seeds.
C. Dennis McKinsey: If a seed or sperm dies, it does not produce its fruit.
John 12:25 Jesus said: Anyone who loves their life will lose it while anyone who hates their life will have eternal life.
Did Jesus Christ lie?
John 12:26 Jesus said: God will honor the one who serves me.
Jews and Muslims obviously view that Jesus lied.
John 12:47 Jesus said: I came not to judge the World.
What? Jesus Christ claims not to Judge the World. Jesus does not judge you and me?
John 13:18 Jesus said: I don’t speak to all of you. I know whom I have chosen.
Do you think Jesus lied about this?
John 14:6 Jesus said: No one comes to God except through Me.
In 2023 about 31% of the 8 billion Human Beings (which is about 2.48 billion on planet Earth) claim to be Christian. That means that about 69% (which is about 4.52 billion Human Beings) will not get to Heaven. Does Jesus’ statement also mean that non-Christian worship and prayers will not be heard by God. Or did Jesus lie?
Did you ever wonder what John or Jesus was smoking to document such nonsense?
John 14:9 Jesus said: He who has seen Me has seen the father.
John 14:14 Jesus said: If you shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it.
Has any believer ever tested Jesus’ statement and found that Jesus outright lied?
Jesus sounds like a politician on political rallies.
John 14:28 Jesus said: The Father is greater than I.
So, if Jesus and God are not equal, then, Jesus is not God. Jesus often prayed to God which separated Himself from being God – but – then by Jesus also claiming that He and God are one, Jesus lied one way or the other.
John 14:29 Jesus said: The ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me.
Isn’t Jesus Christ the ruler over the world that is coming or did Jesus lie?
Is this evidence that Jesus is not God or did Jesus Christ lie?
John 15:6-7 Jesus said: If a man does not abide in me, he is thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
So, if you don’t abide in, worship, promote, support and finance Jesus, you will be thrown into the fire and burned. But He loves you.
Promised reward and punishment are the tools of dog-training.
John 15:14 Jesus said: You are my friend if you do whatever I command you.
So, Jesus’ friendship is conditional – or did Jesus Christ lie?
Didn’t President Donald J. Trump say to VP Mike Pence something like: I won’t to be your friend anymore if you don’t overturn the election so I can remain President. Didn’t Trump later support the idea of hanging Mike Pence? Doesn’t this parallel God’s consistent Old Testament general theme: “Obey Me of I will kill you”.
You do realize that the Biblical God’s pre-meditated plan / agenda was to torture and murder His “only begotten Son”, Jesus Christ. How can the Biblical God be a hero in any sane, logical or reasonable Human Being’s value system?
John 15:16 Jesus said: You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that whatsoever ye shall ask of God in my name, God may give it you.
How many times did you test this feel-good nonsense and found that Jesus lied and let you down? Besides, if Jesus chose you, how can your choice matter?
John 16:23 Jesus said: Whatever you ask God in My name, you will receive.
Have you ever asked God for something in Jesus’ name? If you did not get it – did Jesus lie? Concerning your answer, did you misplace your faith or your integrity?
John 16:33 Jesus said: I have overcome the world.
Riigghht Jesus. When did you overcome the world?
Hummm. If I recall President Donald Trump claimed victories that were absolute falsehoods.
John 20:17 After His crucifixion, Jesus said to Mary Magdalene: Stop holding on to me for I have not yet ascended to God. I am going to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.
How does this depict Jesus being the same as or equal to God? It seems that Jesus wasn’t much into a woman holding Him before or after He was dead.
President Donald J. Trump often compared himself to Jesus Christ. Donald Trump, by Washington Post and New York Times fact-check, did publicly lie 30,529 times while being video and sound recorded during his four (4) years as President of the United States of America.
Finis: Did Jesus Christ Lie?

Gary DeVaney’s Declaration
I did not write the Bible – did I?
I am not responsible for what the Bible has documented – am I?
I’m not responsible for how people feel about what the Bible documents – how can I be?
I take specific issues with specific controversial Bible Chapters & Verses (C&Vs).
If I make an error concerning a C&V that I take issue with – I will welcome valid topical correction.
If I am proven to be in error, I will make the valid correction and sincerely thank the one who submitted it.
Many believers do not like my research and the C&V issues I take with God, Jesus Christ and the Bible.
As long as I accurately take issue with what the Bible states, C&V, their anger and hurt feelings should not affect my integrity.

Albert Schweitzer’s book: “The Quest of the Historical Jesus.”
This book was first published in 1906. Albert Schweitzer concluded that: The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the Kingdom of God, who founded the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth, and died to give His work its final consecration, never had any existence. (p. 398).
Was Jesus Christ worth believing in, worshipping, following, supporting, promoting and financing?
Most faith-based believers are often in error – but – never in doubt.
Are religions the greatest examples of my introduction of the term: “Insanity is Contagious”?
Bible Contradictions:
What one Christian do you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
See Gary DeVaney’s YouTube videos:
Gods Evil Deeds
“The Shocking God”
“Jesus’ Family Values”
“The God Murders” website:

Gary DeVaney is a Screen Actor’s Guild Actor Since 1976.
Google: “Devaney’s Celebrity Gallery”: Then, Click on Lucy / Names in lower left
Any corrections, feedback or comments?
Thank You!
For speaking engagements
Email: gary@gary
The question is the highest form of thought.
A religion that can’t stand criticism is false.
When a mind-set believer pushes a lie – the documented truth becomes very threatening.
Stephen King: The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.
When you read these controversial Bible C&Vs, seriously answer them as if they were S.A.T. test questions.
It tests your ability to read the controversial Bible C&V.
It tests your comprehension when you explain your answer.
It tests your integrity and your ability to deal with the controversial answer.
Don’t generalize.
Don’t use unrelated generalizations when focused on a specific Bible C&V.
So Christians, is Jesus Christ God?
Is Jesus Christ the One God of Abraham?
Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship The One God of Abraham.
Can you explain why Jews and Muslims do not Worship Jesus Christ as God?
Gary DeVaney’s Challenge: “Other than the myth of creation, can you provide a Biblical list whereby the Old Testament God did something good for someone without hurting another?”
I’ll start you off with a couple of “God did good without hurting another” examples:
God allowed some old, barren women to have children they wanted. God did good and it hurt nobody.
Really! Who made those old women barren in the first place?
God gave Solomon wisdom. God did good and it did not hurt anyone.
But what did Solomon do with God’s gift of wisdom? Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Solomon became the richest man on Earth. Both of these facts were condemned by God in The Old Testament.
1 Kings 11:4-9 Solomon ended up following and serving other gods.
Hummm, maybe Solomon’s wisdom was valid!