Genes / God / Ego
Gary DeVaney
“Intelligence is Categorical”
“Insanity is Contagious”
“A High Percentage of Stupid is Stubborn”
I agree that religion is primitive politics and that politics demand control, authority, power and profit over people.
I will go out on a limb and share my genetic-behavior theory of 30 years:
The mystery of a supernatural god lies in our ego’s relationship with our ever-evolving genes. Assuming that our human gene-banks (46 chromosomes) light up and shut down as we evolve (age) and that feelings are the vehicles of communication between our conscience ego and our programmable genetic hard-wiring / software, maybe the mysteries of a supernatural god can be resolved and formulated. Assuming that – experience triggers genes and genes trigger experiences – our genes may be the mysterious gods that we claim to be so personal. Our ego, by interpreting these mysterious feelings / god-like influences, bring all these gods down to one god. Unfortunately, for our fragile (I am the value, I am the authority, I am entitled) egos, this theory gives our illusive, on-again, off-again genes credit of much of our conflictive, do-want / don’t want emotions and our observable attitudes and behaviors.

What is a theory?
I perceive that a theory is another, definite, guaranteed maybe.
Worship: A dog’s God is a living Human Animal who normally feeds his canine worshipper, punishes him physically on occasion, and, if worthy of devotion, pets him affectionately. No dog ever worshipped a Human Animal that the dog could not see, hear, smell, and touch.

Some dogs behave like religious animals. A dog does venerate his master as a being with powers vastly superior to his own. He worships his god in his own way, seeking to conciliate his favor with motions and caresses, learning to obey his master’s wishes and whims, and even having a sense of sin when he knows that he has yielded to a temptation to do something that will displease his deity. A dog tries to appease his god’s anger, as men do, by humility and groveling and he will fight for his god, even at the risk of his own life. Revilo Pendleton Oliver, 1908-1994
Can you distinguish your God from any fictional being? You many treat your President or Boss as a god, but they are not gods. You may think of yourself as god over others, but you are not god.
Do you really worship God out of fear? If the Biblical God did not threaten that you could go into Eternal-Torment, would you fear Him?
God’s reputation, behavior and attitude displays:
I am the value.
I am the authority.
I am entitled.
Ego is any manifestation of Human behavior that displays:
I am the value.
I am the authority.
I am entitled.
Practicing Christian believer’s “supernatural authority” is the best authority they can have – especially when they are bluffing. Believers threaten Eternal-Torment if the supernatural nonsense they tell you is not obeyed. Believers whine that they are being abused if they are not cheerfully obeyed. Believers smooze that their god / ego to be of love but their threats promote fear of eternal-consequence if their ego / god is not obeyed.
People who pray to God are really praying to their own genetic Ego to protect them. They try to restrict their Ego not to be tempted into harmful situations and to be pain free. Life is self-discovery. There is no God. There is only your Ego that often is encouraged to fearfully abandon or sell-out your life. Authoritative people try to compete with your Ego for control over your “free-will” and your life. The authoritarians use their fictitious, authoritative, “hell-threatening” God to control your feelings, thoughts free-will and your ego.
People with advanced degrees and intelligence pretend to listen to the ego of a preacher so to hear “the mind of God”. Most of these intelligent individuals know there is no God but they use the programmed authority criteria to supercharge their own Ego to be authoritatively heard over those who they feel are subordinate to them. God threatens consequence so it is a popular fear-based criteria to control the gullible and the impressionable.
Your ego is always “speaking” to you. They are called thoughts. Unless you hallucinate, you do not actually hear words, but you do think them in your language. Many of your thoughts and feelings are competing at the same time to be sensed. Authoritative God programs compete with thoughts spoken through one’s ego. Much of your behavior is your own response to your own mental-emotional autopilot. Actively believing traditional dogma and other supernatural nonsense tends to restrict our time for listening and responding to our own thoughts. Should you feel “depressed” (mad / sad) – you may try to escape your disturbing thoughts and feelings in favor of your programmed “good God knows it all” dogma. Many use God dogma to compete with their own distrustful thoughts and feelings.
Stop a moment. Quietly listen to your own thoughts. You may sense: “Thoughts? What thoughts? I don’t hear any thoughts. That’s “Gabby” your Ego speaking to you. These profound senses are just your genetically created Ego translating your thoughts and feelings into language that you seem to understand. If your Ego is verbalizing fearful thoughts, often an escape to “protective” God thoughts seems preferable. Chanting God thoughts is a hypnotic way to quiet down your own disturbing and fearful thoughts but it is also an easy way of losing control over your own life.
Religion, like drugs and booze, is a vehicle for Human Animals to escape reality. Religion, booze and drugs are vehicles designed to emotionally take you someplace else.

If you have a God or Gods in reality – it or they – are your creating, maintaining, living genes.
Without your conscious Ego – no God can exist to you.
Dr. Darrel Ray wrote an awesome Book called “The God Virus”. It explains how religion invades and infects a Human Animal’s life and will.
Billions of Human Animals make up “the masses” on planet Earth. Religion / “The God Virus” is designed to kill the individual “free wills” within the masses. “The God Virus” seeks individual conformity and obedience under its rule – or else! The masses are programmed: “Not my will – but – Thy will be done”.
Authoritarians don’t like competing Egos. So, they impose their God-Virus on you to shut down your free-will. These authoritarians want you to obey them – not your own will / agenda, Ego or free-will. Once you are successfully infected (converted) you will give up your natural, genetic-influenced free-will / life / agenda and you will conform to their will. Your life will no longer be your own. Your genetic life will no longer exist. You, the individual, will no longer be free.
“Freedom” is unaccountable time.
Clergy and believers infect your gullible, impressionable Ego with their fear-based God-Virus – especially at a time when your ego is most vulnerable. Once infected, you will also worship, promote, support and finance the God-Virus. You will also become contagious and try to infect all other Human Egos in your atmosphere so they too will have your God Virus. It is most commonly called “Christian Conversion”. From birth, most Americans are programmed and hypnotized to believe in a personal God. The God-Virus is ramped in America. The God-Virus is no longer strong in Europe. A new strain of a opportunistic God-Virus has been introduced around the world and it is now making its imperialistic move. It is called Islam. It is the latest mega-virus to attempt to take over the host lives and wills of all Human Animals.
Any belief, thinking or feeling about God must go through the believer’s Ego filter before the believer is motivated or restricted by their concept of God.
Believers, who bring attention to and promote God, are just bringing attention to and promoting the assumed authority and the desired importance of their Ego.
Question / Theory:
Could our Genes, identified as a composite called Ego, be our own personal God? We tend to pray, think, meditate, and, in essence, go within ourselves to address God. Our genes created us and we would not be who we are without our genes. Without our genetic existence, no God / Ego could exist to us. There would be no us any more than you existed in the year 1637. You don’t remember 1637 because you personally did not exist in 1637. The genes that make you up today did exist in 1637, but that was not who you are. For absolute clarity if you did not exist, in reality today – God could not exist to you. So, you have to be more important to you than any God is to you. Ergo, our genes must be our only practical God(s).
Is This Your Throne or God’s?
Religions hijacked your communication with your genes by inventing a fictitious God that is exterior and alien to your ego. This God was designed to authoritatively reign over you. If you are in the practice of worshipping a fictitious authority – then, an “assumed authority” may more easily step in and be the boss of you.
“Assumed authorities” compete for your “free-will”. They threaten, bribe, and wrestle away our genetic authority over ourselves in submission to their assumed authority. They want you to obey them and to serve their god / genes / agenda.
By jumping allegiances, we sacredly serve them to their liking instead of serving ourselves. We fail to become what our genes give us the opportunity to be.
Insecure, lonely Egos, who require social acceptance and approval from all they meet, my be gullible and receptive to The God Virus. People who seek power over others may feel that The God Virus will supercharge their Ego’s power over others. Unfortunately, for them, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. In a conflict of an authoritative Ego / God and another Ego / God with a will of its own, where a friend once stood, an enemy may now stand. In reality – there is no God – just competing Egos.
God’s desire is to be served to the death. Our genes deserve to be served to our death. Egos tend to resent other authoritative Egos as much as they resent other authoritative Gods.
Unlike dogma:
Our “genes / ego” is within – not external.
Our “genes / ego” does evolve and change during our life cycles.
Our active genes instinctively influence us more than any outside “assumed” authority could.
Our active genes are the source where our original, personal thoughts and feelings come from.
Like dogma:
By circumstance, we (some of our genes) are selfish, jealous, cruel, vengeful and evil just as the Biblical God is depicted to be selfish, jealous, cruel, vengeful and evil.
We, through observable behavior, outwardly or secretly, boldly or timidly, operate as if we are number one. Other Egos / Gods, who observe “free-will” resent our doing that. They condemn “free-will” behavior and call it “sin”.
Question: Throughout history, how many gods do you think there has been?
G: There has probably been one personal god for almost each and every ego.
My perspective is that the genes are a relatively new discovery. The double helix was discovered about 1953 by Watson and Crick. When researchers and scientists go into vast depth on gene-mapping, I view that instead of space, genetic discoveries will be man’s “final frontier”. I view that it is a given that our genes created us. Unlike dogmatic views, I view that our genes constantly evolve throughout our life cycle and our genes influence our moment-by-moment experiences. “Genes trigger experiences – experience trigger genes.”
We talk of emotion and chemistry – especially when meeting other people. I view that chemistry is the “middle man” between our genetic frequencies and our feelings.
Our two (2) “emotions” (do wants / don’t wants and their intensities) orchestrate our behaviors. Our insecure fears and desires always look for an “authority” to take away our fears and to satisfy our desires.
Because I view genes to be the most basic “hardwire” of the mechanics I’ve mentioned, the genes serve best as being any god / authority in the formula. While alive, our genes, and their influence, are always with us. They even influence our sleep.
The anatomic system located in the primitive limbic system of our brain is another genetic-powered system that automatically regulates and orchestrates our heart functions, endocrine systems and other sub-conscious life functions. This may also be a source of random thought.
No god orchestrated these functions – unless god and genes are synonymous.
Does a preacher feel the most power when he preaches unrealistic, supernatural absurdity to zealous acceptors of his nonsense. Aren’t those who faithfully accept nonsense called believers?
Richard Dawkins: What are all of us but self-reproducing robots? We have been put together by our genes and what we do is roam the world looking for a way to sustain ourselves and ultimately produce another robot child.
Along with researching the ego / god / genes – I’m also on a tear to investigate the mechanics of thought. If we could learn all we could know concerning these topics, I view we would dispel the heinous and destructive Biblical God myths for good.
Richard Dawkins: We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realize that we are apes.
Our animal genes have enough destructive influences. We don’t need to continue focusing on some imaginary and insane God / authority to put the blame on.
Richard Dawkins: For the first half of geological time our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures still are bacteria, and each one of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria.
Human DNA
God / Gene Theory
Gary DeVaney
“For the Human Animal – life is a genetic condition”
The mystery of a supernatural god lies in our ego’s relationship with our ever-evolving genes. Assuming that our human gene-banks (46 chromosomes) light up and shut down as we evolve (age) and that feelings are the vehicles of communication between our conscience ego and our programmable genetic hard-wire / software, maybe the mysteries of the supernatural god myth can be finally resolved.
Assuming that – experience triggers genes and that genes trigger experiences – our genes may be the mysterious Gods that we claim to be so personal. Our Ego, by interpreting these mysterious feelings / god-like influences, bring all these gods down to one God. The Ego.
Feelings & Emotion Intensity
Unfortunately, for our fragile (I am the value, I am the authority, I am entitled) egos, this theory gives our illusive, on-again, off-again genes credit of much of our conflictive, do-want / don’t want emotions and our observable attitudes and behaviors.
I view that religion is primitive politics and that politics demand control, authority, power and profit over people.
Islam = Peace / Jesus = The Prince of Peace.
What is a theory? I perceive that a theory is another, definite, guaranteed maybe.
The Office of God
Gary DeVaney
“The Spirit of God Is Authority”
In myth, a man called Abraham invented the one office of the one God.
God is a man-invented office of one authority over all men.
Throughout history, in many countries, many men have assumed the one office of their one King.
The one God is a one office nomenclature – a position of one power and one authority over all who believe in, support, promote and finance the office.
In US history, men invented the one office of the one President.
The one office of the one President functions as the one top authority of the country.
When human beings describe the one God, they describe the one office of the one God.
God does not exist in reality but in the believer’s mind, the authoritative one office of God does exist.
People worship and serve the throne of the one King – and Whoever happens to be sitting on it.
“The King is dead. Long live the King.”
As long as the office of the King exists, the King exists.
Throughout history, there have been thousands of gods to fulfill the one god office.
“The Trinity” displays the one office of the one God that is filled by 3 equal entities.
The office of God exists as long as authoritative agendas that are to be obeyed are assigned from it.
The titles King, Emperor, President are all artificial offices set up to govern separate groups of Human Beings.
The title God is an artificial office designed, by fear of consequence, to govern all mankind.
A believer’s ego tries to govern and discipline all others in his or her atmosphere by threat of the authority of their one God’s office.
Jeremiah, God’s prophet, the man:
Here’s selected excerpts and a profile of Jeremiah, one of God’s prophets, so to better examine the insanity of God’s prophets. It depicts the recycling manic-depression and schizophrenia of the prophets. The re-cycles are also depicted in the book of Psalms.
Jeremiah 20:7-18 You duped me, God. Whenever I speak out, violence and outrage is my message. The word of God has brought me ridicule and blame. I say to myself: I will not mention Him or speak His name. But then it comes like fire. I cannot endure it. I hear the whisperings of many: Let us denounce him. My friends watch for any misstep of mine. Perhaps he will be trapped then we can take our vengeance on him. But, God is with me. My persecutors will fail. Praise God! Cursed be the day I was born. May the day my mother gave me birth never be blessed. Cursed be the man who said to my father a son has been born to you. Let that man hear war cries because he did not dispatch (murder) me in the womb. Then my mother would have been my grave. Why did I come out of the womb to see sorrow and pain, to end my days in shame.
Isn’t this parallel to the dialog of Job?
The Jeremiah profile is strangely similar to God’s other prophets. They’re all insane.
Insanity: A legal term describing mental incompetence. One must be unable to tell the difference from right and wrong and to be unaware of the consequences of their actions.
This is a prosecution of The Biblical God’s insane treatment of the living things on Earth. His documented deeds fragrantly flaunt His being above His own supposed laws. People, who wish to be like this God, operate insanely in like manner. They fragrantly break laws and codes of decency and then shift the target of insanity onto the prosecutor, insisting he is insane, wrong and bad. They bestow God’s vengeance and wrath on him for daring to speak out.
Justice and facts are inconsequential. God, like themselves, they declare to be above the law. Believers, for the most part, are limited to their own often-insane fantasies.
The concept of God is a fantasy world. Reality is an adversary to the fantasies of egos.
This work is information based upon Biblical facts. How you deal with, progress and grow with information is your individual and private responsibility. You cannot expect others to learn as you learn. The investigative ability may lie within the genes.
The greatest players in every competition learned things that other players could or did not learn as well.
Q: Do you not want to read this stuff because you take a position so weak it cannot stand debate? Is it information you want, or control? Would you resist replacing misinformation with legitimate facts, especially if the facts are advantageous to mankind?
Believer: We have kept quiet about the things we do not understand and cannot accept concerning God. Why do you expound on these things we can’t handle? Are you trying to damage His reputation? If you have to write about God, write about all the positive things.
Q: Behavior, character and agenda-wise, what positive things?
There are those who are deeply and fearfully concerned about what is discovered here. This exposure is of God’s crimes against humanity and the further perpetuation of those crimes. This prosecution of God is based upon written Biblical evidence, not suspicion.
Believer: I’m 70 years old. I believe our souls live on for eternity.
Q: Does that apply to all life forms on Earth?
Believer: I have to think about that…
How does your God resemble the God of the Bible?

Questions? Comments?