Jesus Christ’s Burial & Resurrection
Christianity claims Human benefit by the torture & murder of Its God
Gary DeVaney
The Resurrection?
Matthew 12:40 Jesus Christ prophesied: For as Jonas was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth.
Question: How can Jesus Christ’s burial on “Good Friday” afternoon and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead before day-break on “Easter Sunday” qualify to be three (3) days and three (3) nights – as prophesied in Matthew 12:40 by Jesus Christ, Himself?

Did Jesus resurrect from His grave after 3 days & 3 nights?
Jesus Christ, according to the Bible, was in a bad situation and Jesus needed to be saved. Jesus begged God, His Father, to “let this cup pass from me” so to be saved. God was in charge. God did not save His “perfect” son. God planned for Jesus to be tortured and crucified to death. While dying, Jesus cried out to God, His father, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?”
If God is “The Savior” and / or “The judge for Eternal Torment”, what makes you think that God would save you in your lifetime or would save you to serve God for Eternity? Jesus begged God to save Him. God refused. If God could do that to His Son, what makes you feel so special? Does the Biblical God terrorize you to make Him a fear-based, worshipful factor in your life?

The Savior? / The Judge?
An internet suggestion: We should put stickers on all Bibles: “The Bible is only a theory about a hypothesized Supreme Being and that Being’s relationship to Humans. The error-ridden Bible should be approached with a critical attitude, while considering alternative theories like evolution.”
How unique was Jesus’ resurrection from being dead?
Does any resurrection qualify for salvation?
Luke 7:11-15 The widow of Nain’s son rose from the dead.
Matthew 9:18-25 Jesus arose an official’s daughter from the dead.
Jesus is documented C&V to say that the official’s daughter was just sleeping. Did Jesus lie? Shall we believe Jesus’ claim that she was just sleeping? If we do believe Jesus, Jesus did not raise the child from the dead. Which is it? Can a believer mentally process and emotionally have the courage to answer this question?
I Kings 17:17-22 Elijah raised a dead child.
Elijah Brought A Child Back To Life?
II Kings 4:32-35 Elisha raised the dead son of a Shunammite from the dead.
II Kings 13:21 The bones of Elisha were touched by a dead man who came back to life.
Luke 9:28-34 Moses and Elijah came back to life at the “transfiguration” in Matthew 17:1-9.
I Samuel 28:7-15 King Saul got the Witch of Endor to raise Samuel’s spirit for him.

The Witch of Endor raised dead Samuel’s spirit?
Matthew 27:50-53 Jesus died, the Earth quaked. Tombs opened. The dead saints raised and came forth after the resurrection.
“Resurrection” Webster’s Dictionary: A rising from the dead or coming back to life.
Behold, an obvious Biblical error. By timetable, Jesus had not yet been resurrected. Jesus had not yet been buried. The words after the crucifixion would have been correct.
John 11:43-44 Lazarus arose from the dead.
Jesus Raised Lazarus From The Dead?
Many people rose from the dead before Jesus rose from the dead. If one believes in this Biblically reoccurring phenomenon, just how significant is Jesus’ resurrection? Did Jesus resurrect in His flesh body or His “transfigured body”?
Acts 9:36-41 Peter raised Tabitha from the dead.
Acts 20:9-10 Paul raised Eutychus back to the living.
Were all the people who were raised from the dead also Gods, like Jesus? Coming back from the dead is no big deal in the Bible. Christians, obviously, are afraid of death to the extent they require “eternal life”. Christian faith and belief is obviously more connected to fantasy and feel-good than with historical and scientific integrity.
Ecclesiastes 3:19-21 For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts are the same, as one dies so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts; for all is vanity. All go to one place, dust to dust. Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the Earth?
This is realistic, logical and reasonable, but it contradicts most of the Bible.

Dust To Dust
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 – confirms that: The dead get no reward and know no Heaven.
Is this another Bible contradiction concerning resurrections?
It can be comforting to perceive that a moment after one is dead, he or she is gone and remembers nothing.
Catholic Bible Notes state:
Genesis 5:22-24 claims: Enoch never died. He went straight to Heaven.
II Kings 2:11 claims: Elijah never died. He went straight to Heaven in a whirlwind.
Isaiah 26:14 They are dead, they shall not live, they are deceased they shall not rise.
This is another Bible contradiction concerning resurrection – one that displays integrity and reality.
I Corinthians 15:13-19 Paul said: If there is no resurrection of the dead, then neither has Christ been raised, then empty too is our preaching; empty too, your faith. Then we are also false witnesses to God, because we testified against God that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise if, in fact, the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then neither has Christ been raised, and, if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain. You are still in your sins… If, for this life only, we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiful people of all.
Alright Paul! Who has countered Church dogma any better? However, could I Corinthians 15 project the only honest and accurate words Paul ever said?
I Corinthians 15:32 Paul said: If the dead are not raised: Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
Well, maybe this one too.
Do some tend to feel and project that their needs are so much more important than yours? Do some Christians assume entitlements in the name of Jesus Christ by insisting that their needs should be satisfied even at the sacrifice and the expense of others?
John 20:1-8 Mary Magdalene ran to Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved and told them Jesus had been taken from the tomb. They both ran. The disciple (whom Jesus loved) ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first. He bent down and saw the burial clothes but did not go in. Then, the disciple (whom Jesus loved) also went in, the one who arrived first at the tomb, and he saw and believed.
Jesus’ Empty Tomb?
Tim 6:15-16 It is Jesus only who has immortality.
What? Only Jesus has immortality and there is no resurrection nor eternal-life for others? Then, what is all the urgency and sacrifice to get saved for?
Outside The New Testament, what history bearing nation has provided a history of Jesus? Josephus, a controversial Jewish writer, could be a source, but could that single source be an after-thought, post-scripted long after the time as many of the Gospels obviously were?
John 21:7-12 The disciple, whom Jesus loved, said to Peter: It is The Lord. They saw a charcoal fire with fish and bread on it. Jesus said to them: Bring some of the fish you caught. Let’s do breakfast.
One’s learning of a controversial subject can be predictable based on the mood or agenda one goes in with. If you feel depressed, defensive and are having difficulty – stop! Come back to it when you feel investigative, feisty, courageous, intelligent and clear-minded.
John 21:15-19 Three times Jesus asked: Simon / Peter, do you love Me more than these? He said: Yes Lord, You know that I love You. Jesus said: When you are old, somebody else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. Jesus said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. Follow Me.
Simon / Peter?
Is the kind of death you don’t want the kind of death that tends to glorify God? Wasn’t Simon / Peter crucified upside-down in Rome?
John 21:20-22 Peter turned and saw the disciple following whom Jesus loved, the one who had also reclined upon His chest during the supper… Peter asked Jesus: What about him? Jesus said: What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow Me. Catholic
Jesus’ relationship with “the disciple whom Jesus loved” is suspect and controversial – for those who dare go there. Yes, I dare go there.
Some believe in spite of evidence, not because of it. The concept of believing in Jesus has many virtues, but don’t some clergy view legalists as adversaries, sinners?
How does one know if or when one has faith? Is “having faith” merely gambling on luck? Can’t luck also be defined as unmerited-gift? Does one assume or pretend faith? Is faith a feeling that one senses? Is it hypnosis? Can one be commanded to love someone, under penalty of consequence or persecution, body and soul? Can you love someone that you have never met, that you have only heard or read about? Doesn’t one have to be insecure or prejudice to hate other human beings? Do you really believe in ghosts? Is it easy for you to passionately love someone who has been long dead? Do you really look forward to “the harvest” knowing that it means the expiration of every human-being alive on Earth? Do you have that little dedication or compassion for survival of humanity?
For some this material serves as a hair-trigger for emotional insecurity. Others may find it to be a breath of fresh air. Religion seems to encourage people to invent a personal fantasy world in order to resolve reality-based problems. Dreams often become living nightmares. Is the looking forward to eternity a form of escapism? Is it just another way to avoid the pains of reality? Anesthesia does exist and nobody sane wants to face a surgical procedure without it.
II Corinthians 4:3-10 Our gospel is veiled for those perishing. God has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they might not see the glory of Christ. While we are at home in the body, we are away from God. We try to please Him whether we are home or away. We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so each one may receive recompense according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil. Catholic
The Glory Of Christ?
Would God sabotage any human-being’s salvation? Why do Christians insist that one either supports God or Satan? Is there’s a third choice? Which one do you fear most?
II Corinthians 5:13 Paul said: For if we are out of our minds, it is for God; for if we are rational, it is for you. Catholic
Dyslexia is when words get all mixed up / often backwards in one’s head when one is reading. If one does not see this God as a villain of mankind throughout these documented deeds, one may be suffering from dyslexia or maybe just a lack of guts and integrity. If one should feel right at home with these Biblical contradictions, one may also be classified as a dangerous “Schizophrenic“.
Matthew 26:37-39 Jesus began to feel sorrow and distress. Jesus said: My soul is sorrowful even to death. My Father, if possible, LET THIS CUP PASS FROM ME.
C. Dennis McKinsey: At this point, it doesn’t sound much like Jesus is very interested in dying for His fellow man, or for the fulfillment of anything.
Matthew 27:46 Jesus (on the cross) said: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? (Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?)
God Forsakes Jesus.

“Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?”
My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Holman Bible Dictionary: Jesus was “buried” on Good Friday afternoon. On Easter Sunday morning Jesus’ tomb was found empty.

Jesus’ Burial Tomb?
“Good Friday” afternoon to “Easter Sunday” morning is by no stretch is that 3-days and 3-nights, as Jesus prophesied.
You should check out the Wednesday – Sunday spin that televangelists Jack Van Impe and Arnold Murray put on this one. They (and other clergy) have the 3 day and 3 night process start on Wednesday so it would fit. If that be the case, what is the significance of “Good Friday”?
Also, Jack Van Impe states: The only way you can get to Heaven is by Grace (unmerited-gift) and that your name has to have been written into God’s Book of Life since before He formed the Earth.
Jack states that nothing can save you if you’re not in the book and regardless of how much you sin and if you are in the book, nothing can pull you away from the hand of God. You are saved.
I need an Excedrin. GWD
Believers are slaves. If you believe, you are a slave.
Believer: No – I am not a slave! What is your evidence or proof?
Proof? A slave cannot question his or her authority. A believer cannot question his or her belief. For if they do question – they prove to not truly believe. It is a no-win paradox for the believer.
Grace: Unmerited-gift.
Grace / Theft = Assumed-Entitlement.
How many people are serving time in prison for rape and theft because they heard some clergy preach Grace; upon which they erroneously had faith and zealously believed they were entitled to unmerited gift?

The Consequences of Assumed Entitlement
God’s Grace, or The Holy Spirit, obviously triggered certain feelings – and their feelings let them down. God seems to save certain people for prison – a life of living Hell.
They do this successfully because a majority of humans are terrified to assume personal responsibility.
Biblical infallibility is at stake here. How could God inspire His Bible to be so full of contradictions and errors? Jesus’ credibility and credentials are at stake here! Under strict examination, they are awful shaky. Was faith invented to spin and to endure this?
Why have only a small percentage of people throughout history personally read the Bible for themselves, by themselves? Until recent generations, weren’t most people, in history, illiterate? Didn’t the world’s greatest Christian denomination of the past 2,000 years (the Catholics) read their mass communication to their congregations in Latin, the dead language?
Most believers could not make out a thing the Priests were saying; didn’t care to. Some, today, are so indoctrinated with fear, they dare not question what is written and refuse to read it for themselves. Believers are so highly programmed, they feel a need for some ordained authority to explain it to them. Can’t we take on some self-responsibility and find out what is written for ourselves? Don’t we have to question to learn? Why are questions considered blasphemy? It seems that some people experience attention deficit disorder when exposed to factual criticism of God and the Bible. Why?
Feelings are what addictions are made of. In therapy, one’s feelings are challenged. The feelings you refuse to discuss or get angry about are the feelings that control you. Those are the feelings you are addicted to; the very feelings that let you down.
Bible debate censors: If you attempt to debate negative Biblical content, these are some of the tactics you will face. Most will attempt to stop you from exposing and debating negative Bible content – while denying it. Many will interrupt and censor you at every turn. Some will preach. Some assume control to get you off topic by recommending other books, myths, philosophers, dogma etc. Others will attempt to stop you with time control, anger, then quit and run.
Some will threaten loss of friendship to get you to stop; to give up Biblical facts in favor of their authority over the topic. They will infer that God has the power to do anything. Biblical debate is lost on some. Most do not want for you or others to know Biblical facts. They want you to obey, repent and conform.
Faith / Belief
Thinkers, interested in the facts, will focus on and debate the topic. They ask Biblical questions to satisfy their desire to know.
Thinkers, however, do little with Biblical knowledge.
What one Christian do you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
See Gary DeVaney’s YouTube videos:
Gods Evil Deeds on YouTube
The Shocking God on youtube
Jesse family values on YouTube
“The God Murders” website:
Gary DeVaney Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) Actor Since 1977.
“DeVaney’s Celebrity Gallery”

Erik Estrada / Gary DeVaney
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