Jesus II
Gary DeVaney
“Intelligence is Categorical”
“Insanity is Contagious”
“A High Percentage of Stupid is Stubborn”
The myth of a Virgin-Born Jesus Christ sacrificing Himself for the sins of mankind, then dying and coming back to life is supernatural nonsense.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Neither faith nor belief is evidence.
What can be asserted without proof can logically be dismissed without proof.
Matthew 10:5-6 Jesus commanded to His 12 disciples: Go not into the way of the Gentiles but go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
What? Jesus did not want the Gentiles to be saved? Jesus, by His command, was only for the salvation of the Jews?
Matthew 15:22-28 A non-Jewish woman begged Jesus to help her daughter. Jesus’ disciples told Jesus to send her away. Jesus said: I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel. She pleaded to Jesus: Lord, help me! Jesus told her: It’s not right to take the children’s bread and cast it to dogs. She said to Jesus: Dogs eat the crumbs which fall from the master’s table. Jesus healed the woman’s daughter.
Such is the documented and racist character of Jesus Christ. This poor, frightened woman persistently pegged and pleaded for Jesus to save daughter. Jesuses refused her plea with racist excuses. The woman debated Jesus’ excuses. Jesus lost the debate and cured her daughter.
Behold! Both Matthew 10: 5-6 & Matthew 15:24 document that Jesus only came for the Jews. In reality, Jesus was not there for any other race. This is documented evidence that Jesus Christ’s behavior was racist. But, for the believer of course, denial is automatic.
God and Jesus does not change? God and Jesus remain the same from Alpha to Omega. God and Jesus are racist.
Did Jesus, by referring to taking bread from Jewish children and giving to Gentiles (non-Jews), make a racist and insulting remark? Do you know any practicing Christians who, like Jesus, would fail a racist test?
After Jesus’ death, Christianity would have the world believe that Jesus put the Jewish Apostle Paul to the task of saving the Gentiles.
Matthew 17:17 Jesus said: Oh, faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you?
Does Jesus prove to be impatient? Did Jesus resent enduring some Human Beings?
Matthew 18:3 Jesus said: Unless you become like children, you will not enter Heaven.
How did Jesus inspire maturity and responsible Human behavior in Matthew 18:3?
Matthew 18:8-9 Jesus said: If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. If your eye causes you sin, tear it out and throw it away.
Please, do not obey Jesus’ insane, destructive instructions.
Diagnosing mental illness sometimes is easy – especially when you realize that: Insanity is Contagious.
Luke 17:34 Jesus said: I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other shall be left. KJV
Luke 17:35 Jesus said: Two women shall be grinding together; one shall be taken, the other left.
G: Whoa! The Biblical God does not condemn all homosexuals? In God’s sense of justice, what is “just and fair” for one homosexual man and for one homosexual woman to be “taken” while another homosexual man and woman are left behind? By these examples, how do the Biblical God’s consequences prove to be just and fair?
Luke 20:46-47 Jesus said: Be on guard against the scribes / clergy in long robes who love greetings and seats of honor at banquets. They devour the houses of widows and as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation.
I’ll bet the Catholic Church doesn’t mention this sacred Bible C&V. Do you think that any faith-peddling evangelists ever loved greetings and seats of honor.
Luke 21:33 Jesus said: Heaven and Earth shall pass away. KJV
Do you realize that Jesus said right here in Luke 21:33 that “Heaven shall pass away”?
II Peter 3:10 &12 Heaven shall pass away and dissolve in flames. Look forward to the day when God destroys the Heavens by fire.
Believers often express their fear of the end of the world. Did you ever consider the end of Heaven, too? What invention can one come up with to explain this? Could it be that The Biblical Heaven is a myth that is simply hoped for? Heaven’s own source states it exists but will pass away / be destroyed by fire. Some pretend that Heaven exists within numerous dimensions outside of science, time and reason. No one can prove that with any evidence. Could eternity simply be the absence of conscious time, for without time how can there be a sense of conscience, or vice versa? Most Human egos cannot handle the reality of their expiration.
Revelation 12:7 There was war in Heaven.
What? Oh-my-Gawd! There was war in Heaven? What other horrors are there in Heaven? Pain? Suffering? If that is a fact, why would any sane, knowledgeable Human Being want to go to Heaven?
Luke 22:31-33 Jesus told Peter that He (Jesus) prayed for (Peter’s) faith not to fail.
Luke 22:57-62 After Jesus’ trial, Peter denied knowing Jesus three (3) times.
Let me get this straight. Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail. Later, Peter denied knowing Jesus three (3) times. Let me think this over – it’s slowly sinking in – it’s coming together…
What does this say about the power of Jesus Christ’s prayers?

Matthew 18:17 Jesus said: If he refuses to listen to the Church, then, treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.
Isn’t a Gentile a race of Human Beings? Again, did Jesus prove to be a racist?
Matthew 5:32 & 19:9 Jesus said: Who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery.
But the Biblical God was a divorcee as documented in Jeremiah 3:8. God gave Israel a bill of divorce. If you give or receive a bill of divorce, you are a divorcee.
John 21:20-22 Peter saw the disciple following whom Jesus loved, who had reclined on His chest during the (last) supper. Peter asked Jesus: Lord, what about him? Jesus said: What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow Me. Catholic
There are a few places in the book of John that mentions the disciple whom Jesus loved. Many scholars won’t go into any depth on Jesus’ relationship with this affectionate, sensitive, male disciple.
Matthew 19:12 Jesus said: Some are incapable of marriage because they are born so.
Homosexuality comes to mind. If He were alive today, what do you think Jesus Christ would say or do about homosexuality and gay marriage.

In August 2002 Gallup estimated that 21% of men and 22% of women are gay.
Matthew 22:35-40, Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31 Jesus Said: You shall love your God with all your heart and soul. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The commandment that Jesus spoke of is not one of God’s, most important, finger-written, 10 commandments. Nor is this new commandment one of the 613 O. T. Commandments. Jesus seems to accept one’s loving himself – which the Biblical God often condemned to be prideful. If Jesus is God, doesn’t God prove to change?

Matthew 21:1-7 Jesus sent 2 disciples to get an ass and a colt. They did and Jesus sat upon them. Jesus told them: If anyone should say anything to you, reply: The Master has need of them.
First, how could just one Jesus Christ sit on two animals, an ass and a colt? My Gawd, that would be a miracle! Was this procurement of these two (2) animals outright theft? Don’t all the egos of thieves feel that they have needs and assume that they are somehow entitled to the property of others? Did Jesus Christ teach, for many who worshipped Him, a theft-model that could and did generate prison-time for them?
Matthew 21:22 Jesus said: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.
How often have you pray to Jesus for things that you never got?
I Samuel 2:2 God judges deeds.
Matthew 21:31 Jesus said: Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering Heaven before you.
Jesus states that prostitutes (women who sell sex) do get to Heaven. If sex-workers do get into Heaven, is it no wonder that the modern young State of Nevada, in some areas, has legalized prostitution? That state loves the tax revenues that many husbands and fathers and a few fun-loving ladies provide it. Obviously, prostitution and gambling are not against federal laws. Pot has been legal in California for medical use since 1996 and for recreational use since 2016. Laws have been changing.
Hummm, could it be that God is not in control? Well, what about free-will? If just one Human Being truly has free-will, then, the Biblical God is not in control.

Mark 14:66-72 A maid of The High Priest saw Peter and said: You were with Jesus… Peter denied it. And the cock crowed. She saw Peter again and said he was “one of them” twice more. Peter denied it again twice more for a total of three times. Peter recalled that Jesus said to Peter: Before the cock crows 2 times (twice), you will deny Me 3 (three) times.
John 13:38 Jesus said to Peter: The cock will not crow before you deny Me three (3) times. Because the cock did crow after the 1st denial in Mark 14:68, these 2 C&V details cannot be both correct – which means they do contradict each other. Here is solid evidence that the Bible misquoted Jesus either in Mark 14:68 or in John 13:38. Ergo, the Holy Bible contradicts itself, is fallible, faulty, contains errors and cannot be strictly depended upon.
Mark 14:66-72 contradicted John 13:38.

Believer: It’s a minor and an insignificant contradiction and error. It doesn’t matter.
It does matter, if the Bible’s integrity matters. Minor and insignificant or not, the Bible, after all these years and editing, still contains many contradictions and errors.
The book “The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy” by my old friend and colleague, the late C. Dennis McKinsey, best exposes Biblical errors and contradictions. It is a very thick book.
Jesus prayed to God. If God was Jesus, and Jesus was God, why would God need to pray to God? There is evidence that even Jesus’ prayers were not fulfilled.
Do your prayers, your faith, hopes and beliefs, attempt to “will” what you do want or to “will” what you don’t want into reality?
Gary DeVaney’s most important original thought:
You only have two (2) emotions: DO WANTS / DON’T WANTS – AND THEIR INTENSITIES.
To become aware of your behavior, apply your “emotional intensity” to a specific “feeling” that drives you and you will know what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Confidence: Knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Matthew 10:15 Luke & 10:12 Jesus said: It will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on the day of judgment than for that town.
Does that mean although Sodom was judged and destroyed by God, your town can be in greater peril? Did the Sodomites have salvation, according to this verse?
Matthew 24:34 Jesus said: This generation won’t pass away until all these things take place.
After 2,000 years, do any believers have any provable evidence that any of that generation are alive today?
Matthew 25:41 Jesus said: Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels.
Did Jesus tell these people that they were cursed and to go to Hell?
A depressed teenage boy was talking to Jesus. He complained to Jesus: Nobody accepts me! Jesus said: I know the feeling. The boy asked Jesus: What do you do when they don’t accept you? Jesus said: I tell them to: “God to Hell!”
When we successfully exchange provable facts for false truths, don’t we achieve awareness? Facts without awareness are useless. Did Judas have any choice in becoming a traitor to Jesus? If God predestines, plans, orchestrates, executes, and, in essence, does it all, what does any Biblical “Satan role” consist of?
According to Job 2:6, Satan could do nothing without the permission of the “in control” Biblical God. Because God never admonished Satan for the deaths of Job’s children and servants, it was the “in control” God’s will and agenda that they were killed. Would you dare claim that God is not in control? Is Satan’s role – of being God’s adversary – all for God’s pleasure? By God’s admission in Job: 2:3: Satan tempted, enticed, moved God – depending on which version of the Bible you have. The Lord’s Prayer prays to God: “Lead us not into temptation”… So, who proves to tempt you to do evil – God or Satan?

I John 2:18 claims there are many “Anti-Christs”.
Satan cannot be the only “Anti-Christ”.
Blasphemy: Some believers accuse “blasphemy” to publicly brand, label and censor people.
This must be one of the feel-good, bribery passages that Jim Jones, Jimmy Swaggart, Reverend Ike, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and like ilk, constantly lay on believers for their money. And some still buy into it!
One King James Version of Luke 17 is headed: The lesson of Sodom.
Hebrews 1:4-7 & Psalms 8:5-6 claim: Jesus was “begotten” by God.
Then, Jesus can not be God if Jesus was “begotten” by God.
If Jesus is God, Jesus could not have been created. If Jesus is infinite, Jesus has always existed and always will exist. The law of Physics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. But energy does change into other forms. God is claimed to be the same from “The Alpha to the Omega” – the beginning to the end. Concerning the Biblical God, there is no beginning or an end.
The Holman Bible Dictionary: Sacrifice is food and drink for the gods to satisfy what they claim to need. In return, forgiveness is assumed.
Sacraments: The sacraments are a bizarre concept that a reward for eternal-life is in the eating of Jesus Christ’s Human flesh and the drinking of His Human blood. It is a wonder, that with the still primitive mental mechanism of man, there isn’t more cannibalism in the world in pursuit of blood sacrifice for salvation. Some primitive rituals practiced today may still influence this dangerous, cannibalistic behavior for the less than mentally / emotionally stable.
Do believers pretend to drink Jesus’ blood and eat his flesh to satisfy their mythical salvation needs? When objectively evaluated, it’s a pretty sick scenario.
The Sacraments
The drinking of Jesus Christ’s blood
The eating of Jesus Christ’s body
Luke 10:16 Jesus said to his disciples: He that hears you, hears me. He that despises you despises me. He that despises me despises God who sent me.
How many clergy have said: To reject me is to reject God?
Luke 12:4 Jesus said: Be not afraid of them that kill the body…
Isn’t this another controversial conflict? Isn’t Jesus again saying: Do as I say, not as I do? In the garden, wasn’t Jesus described to be really sweating what was coming? 3 times Jesus begged God “to take this cup from me”. Jesus wanted out.
Conversely, if Jesus wanted to fulfill what was about to happen, wasn’t His act a form of suicide? So, is suicide ok in this case, in believers’ value systems?
If Jesus could opt out of His flesh body into His “transfigured body” at will, Jesus may not have experienced the pain His flesh body would have endured on the cross. See: “Jesus’ transfigured body”.
Bill Moyers, author of his great book Genesis: “God actually put His son on the cross to bleed in agony for other people. This is a God who would save us by doing that to a human being?”
Matthew 19:27 Peter answered Jesus: We have left everything to follow you. What then will there be for us?
John, Jesus’ disciple, had a home to take Jesus’ mother into.
Luke 19:27 Jesus said: And, as for those, Mine enemies, who would not have Me be King over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
What? Jesus Christ said: Bring them before Me and slay them?
Jesus often explained Himself and His values by speaking in parables. Jesus spoke of fictitious characters like the King that Jesus characterized just before Luke 19:27 to describe Himself and to teach His points. Did Jesus speak of a fictitious God in the same manner?
Did Jesus Christ say that He wanted those murdered who would not allow Jesus to reign over them? So, what, if it was a parable? Wasn’t it Jesus Who said these words that will not go away? In what “context” could Jesus’ words be proper?
Revelation 2:18-23 The Son of God condemned Jezebel for not repenting for her sexual immorality. (Jesus Christ) said: I will kill her children.
What? Doesn’t this Bible C&V say that Jesus Christ will kill children.
Around 2008, two of my friends and I went to a Christmas house party. A group was talking about the Bible. One said that Jesus would kill children. A young woman had a beautiful 5-year-old daughter there. I said as a retired Army officer and that Jesus would have to go through me to do that. The woman angrily said: I’d push you out of the way. There was a dead silence. An hour later, when we were getting ready to leave, the woman came up to me and we hugged. I whispered into her ear, don’t ever let you 5-year-old daughter know that you would push me out of the way so that Jesus could kill her. She smiled, squeezed my hand and said I won’t. That experience motivated me to research and find Revelation 2:23 where the Son of God, Jesus Christ, would kill her children.
Luke 22:43 (Jesus was facing death) To strengthen Jesus, an angel from Heaven appeared to Him.
Now, that’s cheating. Most Humans don’t report getting a strengthening courtesy just hours before their death. Maybe it was the physician in Dr. Luke talking.
Luke 22:44 Jesus was in such agony, and He prayed so fervently that His sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.
This C&V documents that Jesus did not want to suffer and die for any reason.
Matthew 26:37-39 Jesus began to feel sorrow and distress. He said: My soul is sorrowful even to death. My Father, if possible, LET THIS CUP PASS FROM ME. KJV
Jesus passionately begged God to call it off three (3) times.
C. Dennis McKinsey: At this point, it doesn’t sound much like Jesus is very interested in dying for His fellow man, or for the fulfillment of anything.
Matthew 27:46 Jesus Christ said: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?
What! God Forsakes Jesus?
Believer: Ah, so what? We have all forsaken ourselves at one time or another.
This is exhibited, as evidence, in The King James Version of: Psalm 22:1 My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
A little m for me as it was David, not Jesus, depicted in Psalm 22:1. It is evident that many things have been plagiarized after the fact from many pagan religions to make up the composite character of Jesus Christ and this is evidence of one of the greatest adoptions. Did Jesus, a God, during His death-struggle, really quote these written words from a thousand years earlier, or were His words applied, after the fact, by Old Testament Bible plagiarism?
Well, so much for Bible credibility and not for all the obvious reasons. As much as our hearts tug with pain due to Jesus’ suffering death, it tends to shock and anger some that Matthew 27:46 is more evidence that it is all staged. These words, verbalized by Jesus Christ during His painful death-throws, were verbatim to Biblical words written a thousand years earlier, by King David.
Luke 23:46 Jesus cried out: Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit and breathed His last.
Luke 24: 41-43 (After Jesus’ resurrection) Jesus appeared to His disciples and asked them: Have you anything here to eat? They gave Him a piece of baked fish; He took it and ate it in front of them.
Jesus Christ also plagiarized Zoroastrianism to create Christianity. Check out Zoroastrianism on The God Murders website.
Specifically, did Matthew plagiarize this writing? If so, shame, shame.
But, if what Matthew wrote is plagiarism, how much more of the life of Jesus Christ was a composite plagiarism of other religions and their heroes?
Hell, I write words down all the time that I may have heard or read somewhere, and I have no idea who may have written them. Some words have too much value, and they should be shared – not lost to history. As a public speaker, I am often offered travel expenses, but I don’t ask for any money for my work.
Psalm 31:5 Into Thine hands I commend my spirit. KJV
Luke 23:46 Jesus Christ said: Into Thine hands I commend my spirit. KJV
Believer: No! It’s not possible that both Matthew & Luke plagiarized their writings!
Jesus does not prove to be a descendent of King David, but a mere composite of David’s poetry in Psalms. Did these Gospel writers make up Jesus and put words in His mouth in a fraud to fulfill prophesy?
Dennis McKinsey emailed me that it was Jesus’ Divinity that took a hit.
Did T. S. Eliot claim: Bad poets borrow but good poets steal.
Matthew 27:52-53 When Jesus died by crucifixion, tombs were opened and the bodies of many dead saints raised forth from their tombs, entered the city and appeared to many.
I don’t believe that. Do you? Is Matthew credible? No history bearing nation, Rome, Israel, Egypt etc. nor Mark, Luke, John, Paul (nor Ringo) bothered to make such a claim. If dead people rose from the dead and roamed the city, would it not be worth mentioning by at least one of the other Gospels or New Testament writers? Either Matthew took extraordinary and zealous literary license here, or he had a strange sense of humor. Maybe, he forgot to take his medication.
Job 7:9 He that goes down to the grave comes up no more.
What? Jesus preached that there was an afterlife, a Heaven and a Hell? Somebody Biblical is downright lying.
Old Testament Hebrews and their God never knew of nor preached about any Afterlife, Heaven, Hell, Eternal-Torment, Satan or Salvation. Their God did it all. That’s why the Jewish Priests in Jerusalem wanted Jesus crucified because He went against Jewish dogma by preaching: Afterlife, Heaven, Hell, Satan, Eternal-Torment, and Salvation.
Matthew 28:20 The resurrected Jesus said: And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
C. Dennis McKinsey: The end of anything is not always.
Good one, Dennis.
Idolatry: (Dictionary)
1. The worship of idols.
Exodus 2:4 God commanded: You shalt not make any graven image or idols…
Does worshipping crosses and images of people on them qualify as idols?
2. Excess devotion or reverence for some person or thing.
Does worshipping images and statues of Jesus Christ qualify as idols?
Exodus 25:10-22 God commanded Moses to build an Arc.
What? God disobeyed His own 4th commandment by ordering Moses to build an arc.
Numbers 21:8 God ordered Moses to make a serpent and mount it on a pole so that all who are snake-bitten and sees it will live.
Again, God made Moses disobey His own 4th commandment. You don’t think that the snake-bitten didn’t worship the snake wrapped around a pole because it saved their lives? Today, a Caduceus is a respected medical symbol of entwined snakes around a pole.
How can the Biblical God send Human Beings into Hell’s Eternal-Torment for disobedience if God, Himself is documented by Bible C&V to have broken His own finger-written commandments?
John 7:34 Jesus said: You will seek Me and shall not find Me; and, where I am, you cannot come.
At no time would I ever desire to change places with poor, suffering and forsaken Jesus.
If know-it-all God has planned and pre-destined our moment of death and all the “evil” things we do or that are done to us; then, what is the role or purpose of any Satan or devil? Do they just work for God?
Hosea 1:2 God ordered Hosea: Go take a harlot for a wife.
What? Did God actually order His prophet, Hosea, to take a hooker, prostitute, whore, harlot, sex worker for his wife? What kind of model or message is God sending your son or to your daughter?
John 13:23-25 One of Jesus’ disciples (the one whom Jesus loved) was reclining at Jesus’ side, leaned back against Jesus’ chest.
Some critics have questioned the sexuality of Jesus Christ – not that in today’s time – anything could be wrong with it.
John 19:26 (On the cross): When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved, He said to His mother: Woman, behold your son. Then Jesus said to the disciple (He loved): Behold your mother. The disciple took her into his home.
Jesus’ mother, Mary, watched Jesus’ Crucifixion
Are Christian Preacher’s answers to Bible questions the “Honest to God” facts? Would their answers hold up, under oath, in court?
Have you ever heard your preacher say: My answers to your Bible questions are the truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God?
Here are some really hard to answer questions:
Who said: No one can take My sheep out of My hand?
Who said: I came not to send peace but the sword, father against son, daughter against mother?
Who said: He that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one?
Who said that He will rule over the house of Jacob forever?
Who said: Whoever loves his mother, father, brother, sister and his own life more than Me is not worthy of Me?
Who said: I have come to set the Earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing?
Who said: Children will rise up against their parents and put them to death?
Who said: Without hating his mother father, brother and sister – he cannot be My disciple?
Who said to his mother: Woman, how does your concern affect Me?
Who said: Whoever believes in Me, serpents and drinking poison will not harm them?
Who said: Friend, who appointed Me as your judge?
Who said: Sell all your belongings, give alms and follow Me?
Who said: Who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be My disciple?
Who was at meal in His house?
Who did women finance?
Who said that He was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?
Who said: Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering heaven before you?
Who said: Heaven will pass away?
Who said to a poor gentile woman and her daughter: It is not right to cast the children’s bread to dogs?
Who said: This generation will not pass away until all these things take place?
Who begged God: Let this cup pass from Me three (3) different times?
Who said: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?
Who died, tombs opened, dead bodies raised and appeared to many?
Where is “The Virgin Mary’s” husband, Joseph? Dead? Divorced? What? Nobody cares?
The disciple, whom Jesus loved, is Andrew’s brother, John. None of Jesus’ brothers were His disciples during Jesus’ lifetime. Jesus’ brother James did assume control over the church in Jerusalem after Jesus was crucified. Later, James, his fans and supporters were wiped out.
Matthew 27:5 Judas Iscariot (Jesus’ betrayer) went off and hanged himself.
Acts 1:18 Judas, falling headlong, burst open and his guts gushed out.
Isn’t this another Biblical conflict and / or contradiction?
Jesus died for our sins: In any value system, how can justice be served by executing an innocent man for the crimes or sins of others? If we support this doctrine and its God, we support that. Would anyone volunteer his or her child for Jeffery Dahmer’s or Adolf Hitler’s crimes? Don’t Christians support a God who wants vengeance and doesn’t care who pays the price?
A Translation Argument:
One great argument between Biblical authorities and us poor, “Biblically Illiterate” is:
Many of the clergy and the assumed elect manipulate the English Bible’s words by stating they don’t say what the original texts say.
They refer back to the original Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew to establish authority over what “God’s word” really is.
I have an estimated 25,000 hours of research, study and debate of the Bible. I have studied and I have comprehended “God’s word”.
The best controversial Bible C&V debate for me would be a Baptist minister. This Christian Preacher best knows the controversial C&Vs and can authoritatively debate them – warts and all. Most experienced Baptist ministers will not publicly debate me – so to protect their livelihood.
After about 40 years of study, debate and writing this work which ended up on my The God Murders website, I have never charged any money for my work. I did all of this documented research and debate primarily for myself and I shared this work with those who prove to be capable of intellectually understanding and emotionally accepting the work. Christian believers have difficulty reading / comprehending the controversial C&V of the Bible.

Some authoritative and assumed to be “The Elect” (God’s pre-chosen) argue for authority, control and power by stating:
You are reading the English versions and you don’t know what the Bible really says and means. You are Biblically illiterate. I will tell you what the Bible means. “Repent, Convert, Conform, Obey and SEND MONEY!!!”
If what is written in English is not what the Holy Bible means, then those assumed to be THE ELECT must be admitting that our English-written Bible is inaccurate and poorly written; thus flawed. Well – I guess that settles that.
Personally, I only speak and read English. In the beginning of this study, it is the Catholic “easy English” version that I used to be most able to grasp and mostly take issue with. After about 40 years, I no longer struggle with the King James “old King’s English” Version. Often, when one Bible version is more controversial than another version, I admit that I go with the more controversial version. For me, if it is not in English, I’m not guessing about it.
Many Bible readers see only the good things and ignore or avoid the negative things the Bible holds. Surprisingly, many who try to read and comprehend the Bible are actually sensory blocked and blind to the controversial Bible C&Vs. For me, since my study began, controversial Bible C&Vs jumped off the pages.
Declaration: If I am wrong about the Bible passages that I have selected to comment on, I am a stupid, ignorant fool. But, if I am correct and accurate, I have learned much, and dared to share it through my The God Murders website. Also, there are YouTube videos of some of my speaking engagements.
I am not responsible for what the Bible says. I, like you, am not responsible for how other people feel about what the Bible says. You, I and all Americans, have our Constitutional right to question and express our opinions on any and all Biblical writings.
This work is bound to have errors. If you find an error, please contact me and if proven, it will be corrected. And I will definitely thank you so much.

What Christian Preachers should see “The God Murders” website?
Gary DeVaney’s YouTube videos:
“The Shocking God”
“Jesus’ Family Values”
Gary DeVaney is a Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG Actor? Since 1976.
Devaney’s Celebrity Gallery
Click on Lucy then arrow forward for each Celebrity.
Names appear on lower left!

Dan Haggerty “Grizzly Adams” / Capt. Gary DeVaney
Thank You!
Any corrections, feedback or comments?
For Speaking Engagements
Gods Evil Deeds
The Shocking God
Jesus’ Family Values