Pastor Murray Answers Questions
By Gary DeVaney
Pastor Arnold Murray teaches the Bible, chapter and verse, on television. About one half of his broadcast is dedicated to write-in questions. Here are some of his, out of the mainstream, answers to questions written in:
Pastor Murray said: Ham’s sin was Ham had sex with Noah’s wife, his mother. That is what Noah cursed Ham for.
G: Doesn’t Murray admit here that Noah did curse Ham?
Leviticus 18:8 The nakedness of your father or mother you shall not uncover. KJV
Leviticus 20:11 The man who lies with his father’s wife uncovers his father’s nakedness. KJV
Q: Another related question – Rusty from California: Please explain the curse of Ham?
Murray: You’ve been listening to preachers, because there was no curse put upon Ham and you’re mistaken. In Genesis 9, the curse was placed upon Canaan, not Ham, by Noah because Canaan was notNoah’s child. Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father which means according to Leviticus 20:11: Ham sexually seduced Noah’s wife (his mother). Canaan wasn’t Noah’s son, but Ham’s. Noah didn’t want to face Ham and drove him away and said he would be a servant to others. Some preachers amaze me. An act of intercourse changed his color? That’s the height of ignorance.
My black brothers (Murray is white) are many times told they are part of this curse and that’s also idiocy and a lie. God created that race on the 6th day, He liked it. It was good. He created all races on the 6th day. Then, He created Adam because He didn’t have a tender of the garden. But, there wasn’t a curse on Ham and it’s the traditions of men that make you ask the question and don’t feel bad. But, may all preachers that teach it feel bad and do their homework before they teach.
Q: So, Adam was not the first man on Earth?
Murray said: There was a “First-Earth-Age” and people (men only) before the age of Adam.

Heidelberg man Nebraska man Piltdown man Peking man

Neanderthal man New guinea man Cro-Magnon man Modern man
Q: Does that explain the millions of years that science claims before Biblical events?
Murray said: Genesis, in the original manuscripts, supports that the Earth is millions of years old. He insists that there was a “First-Earth-Age” prior to the human beings created on the 6th day of creation, long before the popular story of Adam and Eve. Murray states that Adam and Eve were specifically created on the 8th day so to tend God’s garden and to provide a womb / blood-lineage for His pre-destined plan of Jesus Christ. Pastor Murray, just how can there be a “First-Earth-Age” prior to creation?
G: Pastor Arnold Murray is the super-model of being religious as his ego comes across as being charged up with authority. The religious zealot attempts to establish and lead his hierarchy based on coat-tailing established, authoritative God-dogma and tardyon. “Tradition” is the dead leading the blind.
(Murray had just summed up another question with the statement: “What is important is to help those who need help without over-powering them.”)
Q: Ranson(?) age 12 from Indiana: If the Bible says “love your enemies” then, is it a sin to join the Army?
Murray said: No! Not at all! Fantastic! Marvelous! What are you supposed to do to a child if he needs an attitude adjustment? You are supposed to correct them and you are not supposed to spare the rod. So it is with your enemy. If you love them – you give them an attitude adjustment. That’s what we have troops for – to give attitude adjustments.
G: Is this “pastoral guidance” made by Pastor Murray?
1. The USA is supposed to authoritative correct another nation and not spare the rod by killing them?
2. If you love them you kill them to correct them.
G: Murray proves to be a global tyrant to think he has to right to give individuals and other nations “attitude adjustments” – by killing them or by threatening Hell as their destination.
G: Ranson, at age 12, has no enemy that he should seek out to kill. The US government does that for him because of mind-set, war-supportive war-hawks like Arnold Murray. These war-hawks are power / authority crazy. They view that we should be at constant war so that we remain strong and so that no one dare to attack us and our pseudo-authority. Even when there is no enemy, the “War-Hawks” constantly invent one or more enemies for these causes.
In reality, most of the troops and civilians who were slaughtered and / or injured during war, had no attitude to be adjusted. These troops and civilians were either victims in defense or they were the war-waging troops just following imperialistic orders. The only attitude that needed to be adjusted was the war-wager. Fair war would be for the political leaders to fight it out instead of sacrificing all the innocent for their ego-driven wars. In war, a villain is a hero to the other side.
War is insanity waged by insane people. The evil politicians are the insane wagers of war. Evil, God-like clergy support those evil politicians. Who, by name, did Satan murder / kill in the Bible? As written, C&V, the Biblical God (who Murray worships) did it all. Humanity will never be at peace as long as the Murray’s of the world mouth-off their vengeful authority.

Murray rants on (paraphrased): It’s a wonderful thing (for you to be) in the Army for our Army gives us freedom of religion. I’ve shed blood to keep this nation free. I don’t regret that one iota.
G: Murray often boasts of how he has shed blood as a Marine in Korea. He is truly proud that he has killed other men for a cause.
Murray said: Freedom is not cheap. People have paid great prices all along and still are for freedom. Don’t let any panty-wastes tell you to not be a military person. They are to be respected (obeyed) and they are servants of God. We pretty well do what’s right. You’ve got some liberal pantywaists whose elevators stop short of the top floor.
G: “Freedom” to Murray is not “unaccountable time”. That, to Murray, is blasphemy. His idea of freedom is – to do what he wants to – to whom he wants to – when he wants to. That defines “power” – not freedom. The last thing that Arnold Murray wants to hear in his atmosphere is: “I am the master of my life. You, and your God, are not. I live by unaccountable time and do not account to you or your God.” Enforceable criminal and civil laws I do willfully support and obey. You try to set yourself – and your fictitious God – up as some enforceable law – and, in reality, you are not.
Ego has to feel that god / ego is on its side. , Because ego is all there is (no god) ego tries to supercharge itself by creating / inventing a personal god to super-charge itself. By imagining and pretending, you will hypnotically get others to believe your god / ego is real and to be obeyed. A belief has to fear consequence in the god-game.
Murray preaches his fictitious God’s authority. It is hypnotic. Take away Murray’s hypnotic God-power authority and what remains? A powerless, Murray – and the frustrated “HOPE” that other dictators feed on to impose their will on others.
Redundantly, other than hypnotic belief, Murray, nor his ego / god, have any authority or power. He is just a big bully and an authoritative blow-hard with an audience. So was Hitler.
Murray said: “If you don’t love and obey God, He will allow Satan to clean your clock.”

G: Murray claims that “good” God uses “evil” Satan to do his dirty-work. Then, Murray’s “in control” God has to be the “evil” script-writer behind the “play-actor”, Satan. Murray does try to have it both ways. Murray claims that Satan is God’s adversary – yet – Satan does God’s dirty-work? Ah, the insanity of belief!
G: Throughout the Bible, God is against all the people mentioned – except for some of His corrupt heroes. God often went against, had killed and captured His own “chosen”. Everybody and everything upsets God – Who is the most miserable, jealous, vengeful, tyrannical, monstrous and murderous character (fictional or real) in the entire Bible.
Randal: Q: When Jesus took on the change and transfigured his body, did He stay in that shape when He faced the cross?
Murray: Jesus did not change. He took only 3 people with Him on the mountain with Him. Jesus allowed them to witness the transfiguration for one reason. His body was not going to be found. Because had His body been found, nobody would have believed that He resurrected. So, the transfiguration was to document that Jesus would resurrect. It was so liars could not say that Jesus did not resurrect. Ok?
Q: Barry, from New Jersey: Are the two winged figures on the Ark of the Covenant Michael and Satan?
Pastor Murray’s answer: “The King Of Tyre” is Satan according to Ezekiel 28 and Satan is one of the two Cherubim who guards God’s throne / mercy seat. The other Cherubim is not written to be known by name. But, I believe it is the Archangel Michael.
G: Pastor Murray, are you claiming that an Archangel is a Cherubim? Is there any Biblical evidence that the second Cherubim is the Archangel Michael? Where doe Murray get this stuff?
Murray continues: If Christ and God are sitting on the throne, who will put God’s enemies under His feet? God will have His “Elect” (Murray claims to be of the Elect) put God’s enemies under His feet.
G: So, Murray claims here that it is his job to put God’s enemies under God’s feet. Murray wages war with any who do not love his God – fictional or not. Can you imagine what kind of monster Arnold Murray would turn into if he truly had power and authority over you? Christians are charged to wage “spiritual” war on all non-Christians. Christianity is a warlike religion.
Murray said: As long as you love God – fine! If you don’t love God – that is wickedness. God will correct you. Everything you have will be up in smoke.
G: Murray’s “praise and punishment” are the tools of dog training. Thinking human beings do not respond like dogs. Believers do. Knowing the Biblical God’s C&V rap-sheet, I do not love the Biblical God. And, Pastor Murray, learning about your power-crazy attitude and behavior over the past 20 years, I’m not too ecstatic with you either. I’d love to publicly debate my selected Bible C&Vs with you – as long as you kept you 9 MM pistol in your briefcase.

9 MM Pistol
And, don’t even think of “going behind the woodshed” as I personally want to get through the rest of this life without killing someone.
Murray: Ham’s sin was Ham had sex with Noah’s wife, his mother. That is what Noah cursed Ham for.
G: Doesn’t Murray admit here that Noah did curse Ham?
Leviticus 18:8 The nakedness of your father or mother you shall not uncover. KJV
Leviticus 20:11 The man who lies with his father’s wife uncovers his father’s nakedness. KJV
Q: Another related question – Rusty from California: Please explain the curse of Ham?
Murray: You’ve been listening to preachers, because there was no curse put upon Ham and you’re mistaken. In Genesis 9, the curse was placed upon Canaan, not Ham, by Noah because Canaan was notNoah’s child. Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father which means according to Leviticus 20:11: Ham sexually seduced Noah’s wife (his mother). Canaan wasn’t Noah’s son, but Ham’s. Noah didn’t want to face Ham and drove him away and said he would be a servant to others. Some preachers amaze me. An act of intercourse changed his color? That’s the height of ignorance. My black brothers (Murray is white) are many times told they are part of this curse and that’s also idiocy and a lie. God created that race on the 6th day, He liked it. It was good. He created all races on the 6th day. Then, He created Adam because He didn’t have a tender of the garden. But, there wasn’t a curse on Ham and it’s the traditions of men that make you ask the question and don’t feel bad. But, may all preachers that teach it feel bad and do their homework before they teach. Q: So, Adam was not the first man on Earth?
Murray: There was a “First-Earth-Age” and people (men only) before the age of Adam.

G: Does that explain the millions of years that science claims before Biblical events?
Murray: Genesis supports, in the original manuscripts, that the Earth is millions of years old. He insists that there was a “First-Earth-Age” prior to the human beings created on the 6th day of creation, long before the popular story of Adam and Eve.
Murray states that Adam and Eve were specifically created on the 8th day so to tend God’s garden and to provide a womb / blood-lineage for His pre-destined plan of Jesus Christ. Pastor Murray, just how can there be a “First-Earth-Age” prior to creation?
Q: 11-16-2009: Pastor Arnold Murray addressed a write-in, “Larry”, on the military: Larry, you have never been in the military – have you? Do you know why I can tell? Because when you become a professional killer – and that’s what a military person is – you are taught to kill with anything – string, dirt, your bare hands, knowing where to twist and snap. You’ve got weapons all around you. And, when God is directing you – you’ve got some awesome warriors. With God’s aid, they couldn’t lose. David killed a giant with leather string and a rock. He sunk a deadly wound right in his head. A professional killer is a professional killer but he only kills for the right reasons to protect his family, his country and God’s word.
G: Thank you Pastor Murray for this truly accurate display the military mentality of the United States Government. I view that the classification just to the “right” of “conservative” is “fundamentalist”.
Do I, Gary DeVaney blindly believe, follow or obey? No! I believe (commit to) absolutely nothing concerning religion, except to figure out it’s hypnotic hold over people. That way, I am free to experience and remain open-minded to learn everything people are exposed to or exploited, blackmailed and pressured by. I am interested in how competing religions, which after study, I consider to be primitive politics (power and profit over people) affect people. People use gods and religions to compete for authority over other people, while sucking support and money from them.
People tend to support as an imagined, insecure form of insurance because they want support and money from others if hard times fall.
Q: Randal: When Jesus took on the change and transfigured his body, did He stay in that shape when He faced the cross?
Murray said: Jesus did not change. He took only 3 people with Him on the mountain with Him. Jesus allowed them to witness the transfiguration for one reason. His body was not going to be found. Because had His body been found, nobody would have believed that He resurrected. So, the transfiguration was to document that Jesus would resurrect. It was so liars could not say that Jesus did not resurrect. Ok?

G: If Jesus Christ could slip out of His physical body into His “transfigured body”, then logic would determine that Jesus did not suffer physical pain during His crucifixion on the cross.
Q: Dave from Minnesota: Why was this Earth age necessary?
M: Because, the 1st Earth age went kapuie. Satan messed it up. Revelation 12:1-4, 1/3rd of God’s children went chasing after Satan like harlots. God had a choice. He could kill 1/3rd of his children. Have you ever thought what it would take to kill one (1) of your own children?
He didn’t want to do that so, rather than kill His children He destroyed that age and brought in the 2nd Earth age.
G: But, God killed most of His “chosen children” – if we are all God’s children – through waging war against others or by punishing them for God’s numerous and consistent disappointments.
Murray said: It began about 6,000 years ago; about 14, I would say for the deeper student. Within that, we find the privilege of savior, salvation that 1/3rd can make a choice, born innocent of woman having no recollection of the past to choose whether they will follow Satan or the Father, this time. Satan and certain of the children had no problem crucifying the Lord, Himself; then, He has an excuse, without repentance, of putting them to the fire at the end of the judgment. That is documented in the second chapter of the great book of Hebrews. It stipulates the purpose Christ came to Earth, born of woman just exactly like we are, to die on the cross whereby He could destroy death, which is to say the Devil. That’s why this Earth age was necessary.
G: WOW! For me, Pastor Murray does go where no man has gone before.
Q: Tim from Georgia: If we are in spiritual bodies, how can fire destroy us?

Murray: It can’t.
G: So, if fire can not destroy our spiritual bodies – there goes Hell as we know it.
Murray said: God is a consuming fire. God’s fire can be the Holy Spirit warming you from within or God can speak – and something can become nothing – just as God spoke and nothing became something.
G: This voodoo / mumbo-jumbo proves that God does not exist in reality. Only if you choose to “believe” the God / Hell nonsense can it exist in your head.
Q: Paul from California: Why does it say in numerous places that a person who dies in sin will receive everlasting punishment – whether you die in The Lake of Fire – are you are blotted out – or do you continue on?
Murray: You are to be blotted out – to be turned to ashes from within as it is written in Ezekiel 28:18-19. Ah – you don’t think that is everlasting punishment? They are never going to live again. They are everlasting ashes. Nothingness. They don’t amount to a hill of beans. They are the same thing as they are on Earth – they are no good. They are nothing – but trash and ashes – for ever and ever and ever. That’s punishment forever – period.
G: Well, there goes the threat of Eternal Torment. Whew! I was worried for a moment. Na, just kidding. But, it is also interesting how Pastor Arnold Murray describes people who his supercharged ego doesn’t find fit to be in his atmosphere.
Q: Jim from California: Please explain your understanding of “The Doctrine of the Original Sin” and if your version differs – explain the difference.
Murray: There is only one “Original Sin”. The “Original Sin” happened in the First Earth Age. God makes it clear what the sin was in Ezekiel 28 starting about verse 14 when God said to Satan I trusted you. I appointed you to the office of protecting Cherub to protect the mercy seat. And, you became prideful within yourself. And, with that pride, Satan misled 1/3rd of God’s children. That was “The Original Sin”.

G: Murray states here that the Original Sin was Satan becoming prideful and misleading 1/3rd of God’s children. That means that the Original Sin had nothing to do with Adam & Eve, the Serpent or The Garden of Eden. How many churches have you attended ever mentioned “The First Earth Age?” or have described the Original Sin being something outside of the Adam & Eve story?
Murray said: And if a person is not aware of the original sin, and how it hurt our father, it is pretty difficult to understand the rest of God’s word concerning the false messiah and the hurt that he brings.
G: This premise, according to Murray, is at “The End Time”, Satan comes first by pretending to be Jesus Christ – before Christ comes back to “harvests” humanity. When Jesus Christ “harvests” humanity – all Human Beings die – and thus begins the “Millennium” / 1,000 years. At the end of the “Millennium” comes “Judgment Day” when God judges who goes to Hell and who serves Him for eternity.
Q: Wilber from West Virginia: Please explain what God means when He said: “The Meek shall inherit the Earth.”
Murray said: The word meek should be translated humble. The humble obeys God’s commands – to be a servant, student, follower. The opposite are the “know-it-alls”. God couldn’t tell them anything and they just go on their way to Hell.

G: The “HUMBLE” (shut up, obey, do as you are told) shall inherit the Earth? So far – that has been a Biblical lie / falsehood / deception / con. Most of God’s Biblical heroes were not humble nor meek – were they?
Murray said: “To be taken captive by almighty God is one of the most beautiful things in the World.”
G: To be a captive is a beautiful thing?
Murray: “To be a slave of God for eternity is one of the most beautiful things in the World.”
G: I can’t make this up, folks. The promotion of “Master-Slave” is real, alive and well in Christian leadership. This is what Pastor Murray routinely prays before he answers questions: “Around the globe, Father, we ask that You lead, guide, direct, touch in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.”
G: The Biblical God guides human beings to be His captives and slaves. What a God! What a preacher of such a God!
Paul from California: Why does the Bible say in numerous places that a person who dies in sin will receive everlasting punishment? Do you die in “The Lake OF Fire” – you’re blotted out – or do you continue on receiving everlasting punishment?

Murray said: To be blotted out is to turn to ashes from within as in Ezekiel 28:18-19. You don’t think that is everlasting punishment?
G: NO, Pastor Murray! Expiration and non-existence is much different than Eternal Torment – don’t you think? If your Biblical God turned on you and gave you Eternal Torment, I am confident that you would then sense the difference.
Murray continues: They are never going to live again. They are everlasting ashes. Nothingness. They don’t amount to a hill of beans. They are the same thing as they are on Earth. They are no good. They are nothing but trash and ashes for ever and ever and ever. And, that’s punishment forever. I’m out of time. I love you because you study with us…
G: What? Murray verifies that Hell brings expiration. Spread ashes dissipate and over time ashes do chemically become other things. There is certainly no identifiable life entity remaining in those spread ashes. Religion is such a sham!
G: Both Pastors Arnold and Dennis Murray parrot at the end of the program: “I love you a lot because you study God’s word with us…” Their pledge of love for you comes across in such a conditional, canned manner that the flip-side could be: If you don’t study with us and support us – you can go right straight to Hell – because you are no good – you are nothing but trash and ashes for ever and ever and ever. And, that’s your punishment forever.
G: I’m confident that like the biblical God, Pastor Murray is miserable mostly because he has been around himself all day.
Questions? Corrections? Comments?